Chapter Two

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Phoebe's Pov
The happiness seemed to always stay when Leah was around. I wasn't too sure why that was. But she was so pretty. Maybe it's cause I spent more time with her, or because she was always around but after a few days I learned it was her thoughts I could read and they made me happy.

I usually spent most of the days with her or Seth. But ever since mommy woke up I didn't really like being in her arms but I never thought that aloud around daddy. Mommy seemed uncomfortable with me I spent some time with Nessie It was kinda cool since we both understood one another better.

I was scooped up again and I stared my big eyes giggling when I saw Seth holding me in his arms. "Hey there little bug, woah looks like you grew yet again, has no one measured you yet? Lets go get Carlisle." He blew a big raspberry on my cheek making me squeal and press a messy one back on his cheek making him whine while carrying me downstairs talking to me like I could talk back.

Not yet Seth but I'm getting there "Carlise! Phoebe grew again you need to measure her." Seth exclaimed walking into the living room where Auntie Alice held Nessie who was playing with some toys.

"Again? Let me see her." Grandpa called standing up from the couch where he was reading. Seth carefully let him take me and I stared at Grandpa who looked back at me.

"Can someone get Edward or Bella? We need to do an examination on Phoebe she looks about almost one Renesmee still looks almost at least seven months." Almost instantly Leah had come out from the kitchen.

"What's wrong with Phoebe?" She demanded looking around at everyone with a small look.

"Phoebs just grew a little more Leah that's all." Seth commented to her but Leah just looked with a blank stare.

"Well looks like you grew a bit Phoebe I say in a few days you might be able to walk." I looked at Grandpa giggling quietly while daddy was staring at me with worried like eyes placing his finger on my chin, he pulled down my lips to expose the teeth that were popping out.

"How come she is growing faster then Renesmee, Carlisle?" Grandpa let out a soft sigh, before he placed me back on the little bed. 

"I believe she has a little bit more immortality in her then Renesmee in time she might grow way faster then expected, she might even start talking soon." It was quite annoying that I couldn't say what I wanted out loud.

"I know sweetie." Oops sorry daddy. I thought seeing him crack a small smile. 

"Is the imprint effecting her at all yet Edward?" I stared at the large butterfly on the wall touching it giggling in thought about it.

"Well you can see that Leah makes her happy, she's just confused, Ness is the same way with Jacob I think Bella being awake though has put Phoebe in some kind of state though Phoebe won't let Bella hold her." Still tracing the butterfly I heard Grandpa and Daddy still talking.

"Give it time Edward, maybe you two need to spend more time with Phoebe if she is growing faster then Renesmee, Phoebe will accept the imprint much sooner when she's turns sixteen, have you guys figured out her gift?"  I looked up when daddy started smiling with his arms folded.

"She has two that I know of, she reads minds and Leah said she can project images out in front of her kinda like visions." Daddy looked so happy and proud while he spoke.

"That is impressive for them both to have gifts of their own already. " Grandpa smiled while they continued to talk before Daddy was coming over lifting me up.

"Alright you're gonna spend some time with me sweetie, do you like the sound of that?" He asked me talking out loud.

I laid my head to rest on his neck thinking out 'Daddy does no one like me because you guys were only expecting Ness. ' I watched daddy's face scrunched up before he shook his head holding me close to him.

"No of course not Phoebe we all love you both very equally, just Renesmee needs a little more attention, you both are growing really fast, and everyone is trying to wrap their heads around it you are very loved okay?" I kept my head on his shoulder slowly nodding my head before I decided maybe I should try and speak.

I tried opening my lips open a few times it's just like with thoughts expect you speak. I placed my hand on daddy's cheek with a smile before I spoke struggling a bit.

"I love you daddy very much."

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