Chapter Three

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Phoebe's Pov
"Peek a boo! I see you, pretty girl!" A loud giggle left my lips, gazing fully happily at Leah who was sitting across from me her hands covering her eyes in a very silly way.

"Where's the pretty baby?" I made a small face and crawled towards her on my knees climbing into her lap, still giggling and smiling I grabbed her hands pulling them away from her eyes beaming.

"I'm right here Leah!" I giggled seeing her smiling face before she carefully moved her legs so I could sit in her lap more comfortably and she pressed a big kiss on my temple.

"Yes, there's the pretty girl. " She smiled at me her fingers slowly waving through my brown wavy hair.

"Where's Renesmee hmm?" I tilted my head but then smiled a little wiggling my nose shutting my eyes for just a second trying to find her location from before I opened my eyes once the image popped up in my head.

"Nessie is watching a football game with uncle Jasper and uncle Emmett." I nodded my head proudly Leah staring at me in confusion for a minute her hands playing with my long hair even more.

"Is that another gift you are hiding from every one Phoebe?" I huffed quietly avoiding her question for a small moment looking away.

"I like keeping things to myself cause no one cares about it." I whispered staring at the carpet finding it more interesting then Leah's eyes.

"I care Phoebe." She sternly stated. " I care a lot about you and just in a small few months you look four, Renesmee looks three you are growing really fast, you speak very intelligently and I'm surprised that Bella isn't spending more time with you. Yet again your mom is sort of stupid." I know I shouldn't have laughed but I started giggling staring at Leah.

She was so beautiful her hair was slightly long but at the same time was short, she had a smile and gaze that was unreal.

"But you are very special indeed alright? A very special little girl with many gifts and just because sometimes your family doesn't see you and misses out in your growth, doesn't mean, me and Seth won't ever see you, you're our little shadow okay." I listened to her close whisper before I remember what Grandma and Grandpa do.

I carefully lifted up my pinky Leah staring at mine as well. "You gotta pinky promise Leah Bee and seal it with a kiss." I muttered her eyes rounded in surprise before she was chuckling also wrapping her pinky around mine and lifted them both up to kiss.

"I promise Phoebe."

"Alright up you go." I smiled happily keeping my arms wrapped around Leah's neck being careful while she went down the steps of the main house holding me close on her hip.

I was excited that I finally was gonna be able to go out of the house more. Even though I was surprised when mom said I could come outside with Nessie and Jacob to catch snowflakes in a few days.

"Esme, can I have those snacks you packed for Phoebe?" Leah was leaning against the door frame of the kitchen still holding me close on her hip.

"Of course Leah, give me one moment." I leaned my head on Leah's neck feeling her doing the same humming gently speaking to me.

"Today sweetie you get to meet my mom since you already met your mother's grandpa didn't you?" I nodded my head remembering that playing with Leah's hair happily nuzzling my face on her cheeks.

"Leah is so pretty." I giggled seeing her look at me and wiggle her nose at me gently.

"Me? No, you're way prettier than me bug." I quickly denied it with a loud giggle.

"No!" I exclaimed at her. 

"Yes!" She exclaimed back with a grin before she focused back in on grandma who handed her a plastic bag. Grandma smiled at me pinching at my cheeks a bit.

"Does Edward, or Bella know you are taking her out today?" Leah hummed a little licking at her lower lip.

"Edward said it was fine as long as I am safe and back before dinner time, Bella could care less." Leah rolled her eyes with a small sneer leaving her.

"Bella rarely spends time with her as it is, her bedroom is in the main house when she should be closer to her own sister and parents, but don't let me rant too much cause then I'll end up going off on Bella." Grandma frowned a little and shook her head deeply tucking her own hair away.

"Yeah I'm gonna have to have a talk with Edward and Bella," Leah hummed even more.

"I'll be back later." I clung to Leah, even more, watching her walk past the couch, I waved goodbye to Nessie with a smile which she returned smiling at me.

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