Chapter 1

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This is based on the Webtoon Sweet Home not the show since I honestly find it more interesting(and Lee hotter but like next topic), if you haven't read it, I suggest you do. If you want a X reader for Hyun the actual main character (sorry Y/N) let me know!

You live in a small apartment by yourself and don't get out much, it was a waste of time considering most of your friends were online. You decide to order some (food of choice) and ask them to leave it at the door since you were never one for socialising with people in person and when it came to stocking up the fridge, God were you hopeless at remembering. It had been a few hours by now, you were still playing (favourite game), and you were growing bored; you glance down at the time almost forgetting the food at your door. Placing down the controller/mouse, you picked yourself up from your f/c chair, making your way to the front door to collect your order since it should be here by now.

When you get to the door you see that your food is gone, however a large trail is leading down to one of your neighbour's door. What? Who in the right mind eats someone else's deliveries? You go up to your neighbour's door to complain, it was slightly ajar, so you opened it fully, not caring for your food snatchers privacy. When you take a closer look into the room, you witnessed a disturbing sight: both food and blood was everywhere in the room, a small collar lay on the floor covered in blood and then you see an animal like arm reach out and grab the collar, a raspy voice filled the rooms silence, muttering about how they were hungry, no starving.

You take a step back in slight horror from the scene, your sense of fight or flight was kicking in and right now it was telling you to run. You took several more steps back but stood on a packet releasing a crackle. 'Shit.' Your eyes looked down at what you stood on; the mutters stop. You booked it into your house, locking the door and sliding the chain across. Not today demonic beings.

Plopping down at your chair, you tried to rationalise what you just saw, whatever it was, it didn't look human. You sucked in a breath when you heard the intercom for your door go off, picking yourself up you answered. A young woman around her mid-twenties was at the door, 'Please my cats went missing!' That's when you remembered the collar on the floor, making your heart squeeze a bit in guilt, that was until you remembered the arms, you couldn't see hers. You zoned out a bit as the lady continued to cry for you to come out and help her till you looked up, 'Show me your arms.'

'I'm sorry what?' The woman looked at you almost taken aback from your demand.

'I said show me your arms.' Your e/c eyes held a stern glare as if you weren't going to move till, she did so. Her tears had now stopped as she stared at you, her face coming closer to the camera of the intercom. 'Just come outside...' Your eyes widened as her nose started bleeding, she was still staring at the camera though with no emotion showing. 'I'm so hungry just come out...' Okay now this freaked you out, you continued to watch as the woman or whatever it was screamed for you to come outside of your room, her face contorting the louder she got. That was until it looked up, and you knew what it heard. You had an incredibly loud neighbour upstairs by the name of Yoon Ji-Su, it was irritating at first hearing her loud guitar, but you grew used to it. You watched the creatures face grow into a small smile, looks like it found its next meal...

As it ran off though, you felt guilt. This wasn't your fault, she shouldn't have been so damn loud, but at the same time, you don't want to let another person die. 'There you are at it again Y/N always trying to play hero...' You chuckle, and with that grab a tall cleaning broom before heading into the hallway. You shout for the monster to come back; however, a tall man appears muttering something about an elevator not working, he had a strong build and looked around the ages of thirty. He spots you from the corner of his eye, 'Hey what are you doing? You gone crazy or something?'

Sweet home my ass | Lee Eun-Hyeok X readerWhere stories live. Discover now