Chapter 6

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If you can't find the full Sweet Home on webtoon but want to read it go on, I found it on there a few days ago.

We got to the final flight of stairs before Pyeon was grabbed, I turned around. 'Go! I'll catch up!' He struggled in its grip but started to hit out, I nodded and continued to run down the stairs. Bells started ringing everywhere, but I ran faster. I fell into the fence, pulling myself over the side, I ran towards the main room, limping as a burning sensation built up in my ankle.

I could hear screams and the sound of metal on metal causing me to panic, I fell onto my knees, my legs couldn't move. I used my arms, dragging myself forward, my weapon held tightly by my mouth, I had to get there in time. I stopped moving when I could see the scene in front of me, Jung had a sword buried deeply into the monster as well as him, his right arm was completely gone, I felt on the verge of throwing up. Blood was everywhere, some still pooling out of his severed arm. I watched from afar as he pushed the monster to the elevator door, clicking the button, and falling inside. I couldn't see much more from where I was, but I could tell it was horrific, everyone stood still watching the scene before them in silence. Tears began to brim my eyes as I hit the floor, if only I had been a bit quicker, if only my stupid legs didn't stop, I could have avoided this whole damn thing.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I tried to pick myself up, a searing pain went through my leg causing me to fall again, but I didn't let that stop me. Gritting my teeth, I leaned against the wall for support, limping properly to the main room. I watched as Eun-Hyeok snatched the bottle from Kang, throwing it into the elevator. The scent of burning bodies and blood filled my nose, I covered my mouth to stop myself from being sick then and there. I felt more tears begin to stream down my cheeks, I closed my eyes and slid down the wall silently. This was my fault, no one else, but my own. I sat in silence as people put out the fire, I didn't move at all. People moved Jung's body, but I kept my eyes glued to the floor underneath me. Once they moved his body, people started to leave the room, most likely to give him a well-deserved funeral, a funeral he wouldn't have needed if I was just a few minutes quicker.

I wiped away any remaining tears, my face felt wet, my muscles ached even more than they already did now. I heard someone's footsteps before feeling someone's side brush against mine, 'Stop blaming yourself already, no matter what you did the outcome would have been the same.' I looked up at him, he stared back with a blank expression. 'How do you know that?' My eyes began to well up again, I rubbed them away with my sleeve, 'It could have been different if I wasn't so weak!' I felt my fingers shake, I just my eyes tightly and gripped my head. 'You want to be strong?' I grit my teeth, holding onto my hair tighter. 'Is that what you desire?' My body began to tremble as I bit my tongue. 'Get out of my head...' A hand made its way to my waist, pulling me closer. 'You look crazy,' my hands were removed from my head and placed into my lap, circles were rubbed onto my back as I sat there. I rest my head on his shoulder, causing him to freeze at the sudden action before relaxing once more. 'You look a mess,' I looked up at him. 'Could say the same to you four eyes.' He smiles before standing up and reaching his hand out, I take it and stand up.

We walked quietly into the security room, I sat quietly on the table, my legs swinging back and forth, as Eun-Hyeok wrote down something silently. It was peaceful for the most part, I watched as he silently scribbled down numbers and weighed down any of the options in his mind. That was disrupted by a loud crash from the main room and the screams from everyone else, I pushed myself off the table and ran out, Eun-Hyeok running behind me. We got to the main room, where men were slowly walking towards us, brief cases and knifes in their hands. A man with long black, greasy hair lifted a gun towards us, both Miss Cha and Ji-Eun held one another screaming. I stayed quiet, staring at the man silently. Eun-Hyeok grabbed my hand and briskly walked away, trying not to gain anyone's attention. 'Find anyone who's hiding!' As we ran, I felt something cold placed to the back of my head, a clicking sound went off and we froze. 'Move another muscle and I'll shoot,' I swallowed down hard, biting my tongue and shutting my eyes. Soon the gun was removed from my head, I let out a breath as he led us to everyone else. I stood silently as a sick smile fell onto one of the men's faces, he pulled out some sort of marker and started to draw a red circle around us while whistling. What a sicko...

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