Chapter 3

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My hair flew into my face, I closed my eyes bracing for impact, if I don't like gracefully, I'm suing God himself. I fell down onto a net and then to the floor, how many levels did I fall? My vision grew blurry as blood pooled the floor around me, the last thing I remember hearing was a young girl's scream. Damn, seems I've traumatised a random kid, how lovely.

I woke up in a cold sweat, in front of me was a girl looking at me with a deadpanned expression. 'Thought you died there, how disappointing' she said sarcastically. 'Where am I?' I ignored her stupid remark and gripped my head in slight pain. 'Where everyone gathered to die,' she stuffed her hands into her pockets silently, 'what about the other two?' I looked at her rather bored expression and came to the conclusion that they were safe also, considering how she looked like she'd rather not be speaking to me right now. 'You should worry about yourself not them,' I looked at her confusingly. 'Eun-yu.' I looked up and a man was stood there, he had a rather tall frame and wore circle rimmed glasses, however his voice sounded familiar. That's it.

'Speaker guy!' He looked at me with a deadpanned expression, damn why does everyone seem to look at me that way. I sent him an icy glare, 'quit staring at me like that I haven't even done anything.' My eyes widened, 'Haven't even done anything? You woke me up with your loud ass announcement to the whole building!' I stood up and poked him in the chest. 'Glad to know you're fine after falling from the nineth floor then,' he said, removing my hand from him and staring at me. My face flushed as I shook his hand from my wrist, 'yeah whatever' I mumbled. I placed a hand on the back of my head, removing it in disgust. My hand was covered in my own blood and a sharp pain was now on my head. 'I don't suggest touching it for a while, it still needs time to heal' yeah, no shit Mr obvious, I looked at him, clearly unimpressed with his response.

We made our way to where everyone else supposably was, 'You're out of your mind,' an old man around 4'5 walked up to us. 'Bringing a monster here with you,' I looked at him rather insulted, does this man not realise I could kick him like a football if he didn't shut up, don't test me I will do it. He raised a box cutter to my face to which I hit away, 'Oi! What's with people putting weapons in my face?' He gave me a dark glare before storming off somewhere. 'Bitch got little man syndrome...' I mumbled ignoring the visually impaired bitch to the side of me who was chuckling quietly. We all sat quietly with everyone else, 'I suggest we kill her while we still have golden hour' Wait what?...

'What? No!' Jung yelled, Yoon wrapping an arm around me protectively. 'We aren't killing anyone!' Oh, so they want to kill me. What did I even do to them? The guy came back with a box and some pencils, 'here we can vote on it' My face paled as I looked at him, shouldn't I just, y'know, not be killed? I sighed and rested my head on the wall, Yoon and Jung continued to glare daggers at the old man. 'Just raise your hand!' The old man shouted before looking at another woman sat in the corner silently. 'Why aren't you agreeing?' She stayed quiet shuffling in her seat awkwardly. 'Raise your hand you stupid cow,' I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. 'Look old man we don't have time for your shenanigans, just agree to four eyes over here and vote if you want me gone or not' Everyone looked at me silently, some slightly taken aback by what I had to say about the matter, it's like I didn't care for my life. Which honestly, I didn't, I just wanted everyone to shut up and get it over with already.

Another woman raised her hand, 'I agree with Eun-Hyeok's idea, keeping the vote privately, also stop calling your wife names and profanities' She said to the old man, his face almost looked red with rage as he scanned over the room at us all. 'Why is she even here? She could kill us all!' I opened an eye and looked at him, 'You're right, I could have. But that's effort and time considering the monsters can instead' He fell silent and looked at me, I sent him a sarcastic smile which seemed to tick him off more. The man raised a fist at me, 'That's enough' A woman with dark black hair pulled into a ponytail stood behind us all, the man looked at her before letting his hand fall limp to his side.

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