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RanVeer OS: Stolen Kisses

"This gawaar has Veer as her shield and I have no one! That's not fair! " Kiara stated as Vikram and Rani stood before her.

"Yes I am Kiara! No doubt in that but the thing which is surprising here is that you still have the guts to torture her with your words when you know I am her shield and it will result you loosing all bit of respect I have for you in my heart!" Veer said as he stood in front of Rani, truly like a shield.

"Veer it was her who started first! " She tried to play innocent.

"And you think I am the same fool who will fall for that innocent look again? Kiara I thought you were better than this at least! " He remarked bitterly.

"Veer behave yourself! " Ranisa said from a bit far away making veer almost roll his eyes in frustration but he somehow controlled.

'And she says she doesn't have a shield!' He thought.

"Say sorry right now! " Ranisa declared.

"She knew what she was getting into when she tried to mess with my wife so I am not feeling guilty and I won't apologize too! " He spatted somewhat bitterly.

He has realized one thing in the last few months that Ranisa would only consider him in her good books when he will do things according to her and not which are right. And he had witnessed a lot of wrong things which were done by Ranisa so he had finally stopped respecting her the way he used to do all his life.

Rani's rebel nature rubbed in him , one can say.

"Rani, did you practice for your ET exam?" Veer asked in the next moment to change the topic and quickly turned towards Rani who was looking at him with adoration as he took her side.

"Uh.. Doctor Saab.. "

"Save your excuses Rani! Let's go to the room and make you do study! "

'And keep you safe from this torture.' he wanted to add but stopped himself. It wasn't certainly the time to reveal fake innocent faces.

Once they reached their room Veer spotted his laptop opened but that wasn't the surprise as he himself has given his laptop to her for study but what amazed him was the tab that was opened.

"Rani, seriously? These are the shortest explaination to the topic you have to study! You need to focus on details! "

"But Doctor Saab I couldn't understand a thing that's why.. " She left the sentence in mid way as she spotted him patting his forehead with his palm and muttering ' what should I do!'

"I am sorry! " She muttered and his heart melted almost instantly.

'Wait, hearts don't melt and definitely not at room temperature! Use the basic science at least!' Veer chided the author i.e me.

Lately, Veer has realized his love for her. Maybe he fell for her when she took several stands for him all those times in front of Ranisa or birju , or it could be when she stood strong with him when he was told that he was the adopted son of Rajawat's and merely a mistake of his father but whatever the situation was, he had seriously fallen for her so deeply that he couldn't deny it even if he wanted. Therefore a small gesture from her like this affected his heart that much.

"You should never say sorry seeing me angry or frustrated! Use your words as wisely as you can Rani. " He uttered and she slightly nodded thinking he might be again high on something like all those other times. Little did she know that how he was controlling himself to utter his feelings out loud to her.

"I will go study! " She said sheepishly walking towards his study table while he went to change his clothes and get fresh.

Once he came out, he sighed as he found her asleep on the chair itself with her mouth slight open.

He lightly chuckles and went towards her only to pick her and lay her down on the bed.

"If there would be an award for cuteness then that should be given to the sleeping form of you, Rani! It's getting so much hard to control myself around you and not say those things which I have realized lately!" He whispered as he sat down on his side of the bed , adoring her sleeping face.

"What things Doctor Saab! " She asked with her eyes still closed making veer gasp in shock.

"You are awake? " He asked as he cleared his throat a bit.

"I wasn't until you picked me up and laid down here! So what things you were saying? " She asked opening her eyes and sitting on the bed, facing him.

"Ugh..Rani if you are awake then you should study and not waste time in talking senseless things! " He said in a strict tone while she glared at him cutely.

He couldn't utter out things just like that. He had to prepare a lot of things before he finally confess his love to her. Blurting out, when she has a stress known as exams on her head could worsen the situation. Once her exams would get over, he would plan on confessing but right now all he could do was adore her little, innocent self.

"Fine I am going to sleep again! You talk more sweetly when I am asleep so be it!" She said in a dramatic tone making him amused as he watched her lay down again on bed and closing her eyes.

He shook his head 'Truly a drama queen she is! ' he thought and chuckled.

"Good night my drama queen! " He mumbled before laying down beside her.

The moment he noticed her even breathing, he knew she was asleep so he scooted closer to her,giving a light feather like kiss on her forehead.

These days, it became a tradition for him to kiss her every night after she falls asleep and he never complained about how he had to keep himself awake till late. In fact he would impatiently wait for this moment, the whole day which merely lasts a few seconds still it rejuvenates his soul each time.

Till the time I confess, these stolen kisses will work more than fine!' He thought and slept sooner as sleep took over him.
Thanks for reading.

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