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RanVeer OS: Love at first sight

A twelve year old, Veer got down from his car and ran towards the swing area, followed by a string of servants and caretakers.

Seesaw was his favorite swing so after distracting away his servants, he first went towards it but a crying voice stopped him on his tracks. He looked around and that's when his eyes fell on a six year old little girl who was crying inconsolably with her face all red due to crying. She wore a floral printed frock and looked extremely beautiful to him just like a princess.

He immediately went towards her and bent down to her.

"What happened? Why are you crying? " He asked softly.

Rani, looked at the source of voice interrupting her crying session from her blurry vision( all thanks to constant crying) to find a handsome boy looking at her.

"I got hurt! " She mumbled as a light hue of blush crept on her cheeks.

"Oh! Can i see? Maybe i could help? " He asked scanning her from his eyes to see the wound but found none.

She nodded at him, pulling up her frock's end a bit to show him her knee which was bleeding.

"Oh god! You are bleeding! This blood needs to stop immediately! " He hastily said and poured some water from his bottle on it to wash away the blood. She winced in pain. But he couldn't do much to it, he then took out his handkerchief and tied it as tightly as he could on her knee.

"It will pain but it will stop the blood! On reaching home, do dress this wound, okay? " Veer informed her to which she looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"Dress? I don't have dresses for wound! How will my wound wear dresses? " She asked curiously.

"Not that, Princess! I meant to treat your wound and apply some medicine over it but not by yourself! Take someone's help! " He said smiling at her childishness.

She nodded her head but again looked at him with questioning gaze.

"What? " He asked not knowing what he had done now.

"Why did you call me Princess? " She said.

'Because you look like a princess to me! ' his subconscious chirped.

"Huh! " He voiced out still in confusion.

"Why did you call me Princess? When i am a queen. " She completed proudly.

"I heard you Princess but still didn't get what you said? " He said not understanding her words.

"My Name is Rani which means a queen so don't call me princess! " She retorted with cute angry face to which he almost coed but stopped himself.

"Okay, my queen! Now, if you may allow me to help you? " He forwarded his hand to her once he stood up straight, not before bowing down infront of her just like his servants do for him.

She chuckled at his act and quickly forwarded her hand to which he made her stand.

"Whom are you with, Pri.. I mean my Queen? " He said quickly covering back as he now knew that she wont like him calling her princess.

"I came with my bauji but he isn't here now! "

"Oh! " That was all he could mutter when the group his servants encircled them. Rani got scared on seeing so many people and hid herself behind Veer.

"Can't you all see, that this girl is scared? Move, now! I wont run away, i promise! " Veer shouted to which the servants stood away from them.

"Queen, you are fine now! They won't hurt you! I promise! " He softly uttered to which she came out and stood beside him again.

Before Veer could utter anything, ramadheer came running to them.

She left his hand on seeing her father abd walked towards him, Veer immediately started feeling empty on missing her warm hand in his cold one.

"Bauji, See this boy helped me when i got hurt here! " She explained to her father, showing her knee.

"Kaka, you? " Veer asked as he recognized that he was one of the servants who was on leave today.

"Kunwar sa you helped my daughter, thankyou so much! " Ramadheer thanked him to ehich veer nodded his head with a serious face.

"Rani, did you say thankyou to him? " To which she softly nodded in no.

"Thank you! " She immediately muttered making him smile only for a second.

"Kaka, Rani is hurt so let's get in the car and go home! " Veer said noticing the pain on her face.

"No kunwar sa you go home! She will go back to her aunt's house! Don't worry!" Ramadheer politely said.

"And how will she go? By walking? No, Queen come to me! We will go to my home! I will bandage your wound then i will drop you to your aunt's place! " He explained.

"But Kunwar sa no one would like it! " Ramadheer countered.

"Kaka please, she is hurt! She can't walk properly, don't make her stand for so much time! Is it paining queen? " He pleaded while asking the question looking at her directly in eyes.

"Bauji please! Let's go na if he is saying!" Rani, pleaded.

"Fine! You two go! I will be back later, i have some work! " Ramadheer said as the kids were too adamant.

Rani got happy and immediately held his again making him smile as her smile was too contagious.

"Let's go kunwar sa! " She said copying her father, thinking that it was his name.

"Queen, why are your calling me kunwar sa? " He asked looking at her with serious face.

"Because your name is that! And my Bauji was also calling you that only! " She explained to which he nodded his head in no.

"What's your name, then? " She asked back to which he got a little surprised.

"I thought you won't ever ask, My queen! I am Veer!" He teased, grinning from ear to ear.

"Veer" She repeated his name and he had never felt this proud of his own name.

She smiled at him and for the first time in his 12 years of life span he had felt this soothing on seeing someone smile other then his immediate close people.

He smiled back at her as her smile was too contagious for him.
Thanks for reading. 

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