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RanVeer OS: The Art Of Saying No

Rani entered their room after taking a long day at college

She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion on seeing a certain book, kept over her her, more precisely his study table.

The Art Of Saying No

The title read making her more confused so without looking up, she voiced her thoughts. "What is this? "

She heard a familiar yet manly voice.

"It's a gift, Rani. " Veer said, appearing from behind her.

"Gift? For what Doctor Saab? It's not even my birthday today!" She bombarded him with questions before he could even step closer to her.

"Wait All rounder! I know that you have least bit of patience still you need to stop being hyper sometimes. " He scolded her for being discreet while she looked here and there and sighed in relief on finding no one passing by there room, she then immediately locked the door of their room making him smirk at her act.

"Doctor Saab you should not scold me every time. And what is this book about and why are you gifting it to me!" She said while he just looked at her with an are-you-even-serious kinda look and sat on the bed with a small huff.

"I will speak only once so listen good! " He said in his serious tone while walking upto her and kneeling down on floor near her.

"First, you and I both know it very well that I scold you because of the idiotic things you do and you do idiotic things all the time. Second, I bought this book for you so for a few days you will lessen up your sleep a bit and invest your time in reading this. " He said.

"What? I won't compromise on my sleep and I won't surely read that stupid book. What makes you think that I will lessen my sleep even? " She interrupted him with her set of questions making him a bit furious.

"I haven't finished yet! You know better than to interrupt me, Rani! " He warned her and she immediately shut her mouth.

"Anyway, I never suggested anything, I clearly said you will so you have to do it any how! Or I have my ways to make you read the book which you might not like, wifey. " He told her before carefully calculating his words in his mind.

"Umm..what was the third thing though? " She asked curiously.

"Third and the most important one, have you seen your face in the mirror? How pale you look! And I am sure you know about everyone's happiness and but in that process you are loosing yourself. You should not.." He was about to scold her more when she interrupted him yet again.

"No Doctor Saab, it isn't like that... " She tried to reason him but he wasn't going to give in to her lame reasons anymore.

"Forget it! Tell me, when was the last time you did something for your own happiness? And don't you dare mention anyone else's name here! " He asked knowing her selfless nature which was too harmful for her own good.

"Uhh..we had that ice cream, right?" She said remembering the evening they spent together, two days back.

"Of course! After a lot of coaxing, you ate that. Leave it, when did you said no to someone for any work they wanted you to do?" He asked yet again.

"Uhh.. Actually.... " She tried to remember but couldn't remember any incident of that sort.

"Don't think too much. I know you don't have anything to say because I know how selfless you are. If a roadside vendor would ask you something then I am sure you wouldn't deny yo him even. " He told her angrily. He never liked the fact that, Rani never said no to anyone and let everyone wear her out.

"See Doctor Saab... " She tried to tell him her reason for doing that but he interrupted her in between.

"No you see, Rani! Now I want you to read this book! "He said pushing the book towards her.

"What? Now? " She asked confusingly.

"Hmm! " He said and she defeatedly opened the book and flipped a few pages and found the book to be 161 pages long.

Since he was eyeing her so she quickly opened the first chapter of the book.

"Title of the chapter, Rani? " He asked.

"The People Pleasing habit. " She replied.

"Say it loudly and don't murmer! " He said.

"The people pleasing habit! " She said again but a bit loudly this time.

"Do you know it's meaning? " He asked before she could read the first line.

"Yes..." She said but was interrupted by him.

"Of course you would know, you do that all the time! You don't have the responsibility of the whole world! If you would think about yourself then no one call you out as selfish! If you will not think about yourself then who will? " He explained her and to some extent he was right.

"You will! " She answered cheekily making him confused.

"Huh? " He voiced out his thoughts.

"I mean, I have you to think about me, Doctor Saab." She explained to him very sweetly to which he smile a bit before getting back to the topic.

"I know I am here Rani but not everytime I will be there with you so you need to learn to say no some time. Of course you should not say out of rudeness but with grace. This book here, will help you in this." He told her.

"Okay Teacher, anything else?" She mocked him while he glared at her.

"Mind you Rani, after two days, i will ask you questions related to this book to test that if you have read or not. And if you didn't answer it correctly then be prepared for the consequences." He threatened her as knew she would never read it the easy way.

"This is wrong Doctor Saab! " She countered back.

"All you have to do is read this, that's it Rani! It's not that of a big deal! " He said softly this time to which she couldn't say no to him.

"Fine! " She nodded her head flipping the pages of the book while he kissed her forehead put of affection.

'This book will give your wings more strength. '  he thought.

Thanks for reading.

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