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RanVeer TS: Drunk Veer


As the sun rays hit her face softly, she gradually opened her eyes. Her back ached as she tried to move, and she realized she slept in a sitting position with him sleeping comfortably on the bed with his head on his lap.

All the events from last night came to her mind and fresh tears formed in her eyes that how much he cared for her that he lied constantly to her to save her but from whom he was saving her? Rani sa? He was saving her from his own mother? Why?

Her trance of thoughts got disturbed as she felt some movement on her lap. He stirred indicating he will be awake any moment noe. She got scared as now he might not be that sweet anymore and will scold her so she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep again.

He slowly opened his eyes with a mild headache and partially to know how his pillow got this much soft. But he got shocked instead when he found its a lap of a person and not any normal person but his wife. He jerked up though carefully not to wake her.

He stared at her for a second and thought how could she sacrifice her sleep for him, it must be only him who must have forced her to do that. He though remembered only some flashes of last night but they were enough to put a light hue of red on his face.

He quickly stood up and turned to go to washroom but turned to her again, he without thinking much went to her side and made her lay straight on bed, covering her with duvet not at all aware of the fact that she was awake too.

"You are gorgeous indeed! And I really meant it last night when I called you gorgeous!" He whispered in his morning husky voice near her face as their faces were inches apart.

Her heartbeat accelerated 1000 times when she heard him say that. As she heard his steps fade away she took in a breath and opened her eyes and sighed in relief.

'I guess that lemonade didn't work and he is still like that only.'' she thought innocently and went away quickly before she could spot him.

When Veer came out of washroom with a towel in his hand wearing a pair or formal shirt and pants, he got disappointed on not seeing her in the bed but he also knew that his wife has springs instead of a pair of legs and she couldn't stay at one place once she is in her full senses. He chuckled at his thought and moved out to search for her and finally found her talking to kumud in the kitchen area.

Though it wasn't his habit to eavesdrop but he decided to change that for his wife as to know what she is talking.

"That lemonade didn't help kaaki! He is still talking weirdly! "

"Huh! It's not possible Rani! " Kumud mentioned

"But it's true he called me gorgeous in the morning. He is still... " She tried to make up a word to define his state but couldn't come up with a word.

On the other hand he got amused at the fact that she thought he was drunk because he called her gorgeous.

'Wait! that means she was awake when I woke up and she was acting all the time! Very smart! Now you will be punished for tricking me Rani!' He smirked and went away.

Later on the breakfast table they met along with everyone else. She wasn't meeting his eyes and somehow it irked him though he knew her reason to do that but we'll these new feeling were taking out the best in him.

"I don't want to have breakfast today, I am in my room as I have some work! Excuse me!" He announced and moved away knowing fully well that she would come to him with food anyhow.

And it happened when he heard a light knock on his door. He quickly sat by his study table, pretending to be busy.

"Come in" He said in a stern tone and there she walked in with food. From the corner of his eyes he saw her putting the tray of food on bed.

"Doctor Saab please have some food or else you will fall I'll! " The moment she finished the sentence, she was pinned to the near by wall and it didn't need a genius to guess that who pinned her.

"Doctor Saab.. You... " She uttered..

"My gorgeous wife I don't need food, I want something else. " He said erasing all bits of distance between them.

"Huh! Doctor Saab you are not alright! You need food... "

"Shhh.. You speak so much! " He said cutting her in between with a somewhat annoyed look.

"I know what I need and that's only you.... "  She got shocked hearing that and blushed hard.

He stared at her lips and moved closer and she immediately closed her eyes in fear but 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 seconds passed but nothing happened. So she bravely opened her one eye and then both to find him controlling his laugh..

But seeing her cute antic he couldn't control more, he stepped back and laughed whole heartedly..

"Look at your face haha.. "

"You.. You were joking? " She asked and he nodded and then laughed again. It was very unlike him so she looked in his eyes to find something but to her dismay there was nothing but childish glitter in his eyes as he chuckled.

"Why? " She mumbled.

"That was your punishment for tricking me when you were wide awake instead of sleeping. " He answered getting close to her again.

"How do you know?" She enquires again.

"That's my way! Anyway how was the punishment? " He asked chuckling again which soon turned into a full blown laughter.

She managed to glare at him initially but sooner a smile broke on her face as well as his laugh was contagious and somewhere in her heart she felt satisfaction.
Thanks for reading. 

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