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This one is based on 3rd August episode. If that certain Doctor Das hadn't arrived in Veer's cabin😁

RanVeer OS: Jealous Her!

"Rani, are you jealous? " He blurted out in an amused voice.

"J-jealous? No i don't get jealous. You can talk to anyone. I don't even care. " She said trying to give him a cold shoulder while he continued to smile at her.

"What? Did I say any joke, that you are smiling so much, doctor Saab? " She asked in an annoyed tone.

"Why? Is my smile bothering your anger? " He teased further though he knew her warrior mode could get pressed anytime.

"Do whatever you want but let me tell you, people who smile without any reason are considered mad! " She remarked bitterly.

'And here comes my warrior princess.. Oops warrior queen she is.' He thought.

"Rani, you can just admit it if you are jealous, I won't judge you. " He told her with a soft look contouring his face.

She glanced at him with the corner of her eyes and seeing the soft look, she sighed.

"Ok fine! I was jealous! " She admitted to which he grinned from ear to ear.

"Do not show your teeth Doctor Saab! Preet ji likes you in fact she finds you.. Uhh.. what was that word? " She tried to remember their conversation while he listened to her.

"Yes.. Hot! She told me that you are hot! And just now you told me that you talked with her on phone. So I would get jealous, wouldn't I? It's always about you, isn't it? First Kiara ji was after you and now her. I never wanted to get involved with love in the first place but now with time it's only getting complicated and painful." She told him while fresh tears formed in her eyes.

He then stood up from his chair and walked upto her. He pulled her up from the chair and held her in his arms.

"Shh! Rani, I never intended to make you cry and I am sorry for doing that even if it was unintentional. Now, listen to me and listen good because I won't repeat my words. I love you Rani, Kiara or any other girl can try to get my attention but they can't even cross my mind. The only person who crosses my mind always is you Rani, no one else can ever take your place, both in my heart and in my life. And rest about earlier, then I was just teasing you as you looked cute while being jealous. I have seen you jealous for the first time and so vocal about it, thus couldn't help. " He explained to her softly as if she was some baby.

"Then how did you get her number? " She asked sloppily to which he smiled as she was still curious about how he got Preet's number.

"Well, It wasn't much of a task. I called the college authorities and told them about your course and everything. They gave your batch mate's number saying that she could give me information more in detail about what's going on in the class. And I thought it was fair enough so I spoke with her but if you didn't like that, I would definitely keep that in my mind so that I don't end up hurting you in the future. If anyone matters the most to me then it's only you. " He told her truthfully.

"Ohhh! And what did she talk to you? Tell me everything! Don't you dare hide anything! " She warned him.

Here he was trying to calm her but she had already taken off her flight it seemed.

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