Joining the SSR

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From a young age you and Peggy were always hanging out with each other and fitted in so well because of your same character.
You split apart when she got recommended by her brother to join in the SSR but you still wrote letters.
You wake up one morning and opened the curtains which than the room was immediately filled with sunlight. You went down for breakfast and found a letter from Peggy but it was unusual.
You opened it and read that the SSR offered you a position as a field operator agent in New York. There was still a side note from Peggy weather you would like a room at the Griffith or staying with her. You were without a job and booked a ticket to go to America although you knew that you were going to miss London.
Peggy met with you at the airport along with Mr Jarvis.
"Nice to see you agian. It's been so long." Peggy said hugging you tightly. "This is Mr. Edwin Jarvis. If you need a ride don't mind calling him but not after nine o'clock in the evening" Peggy continued.
"What happens after nine?" You asked.
"Because that's when my wife and I go to bed" He chimed in.
You both get into the car. "Where too Ms. Y/l/n?" Jarvis said adjusting the middle mirror.
"You won't mind if I go to the office first whilst I leave my luggage in the car?" You said buckling your seatbelt and Jarvis drove to the SSR which was above a phone company.
As you arrived a lot of men were staring at you and Peggy and mumbling. You knocked on Chief Thompson's office door and entered.
He was starring out of the window giving you his back.
"You must be Ms y/l/n the one that Peggy recommended". He said as he turned to face you.
"Yes sir" you said firmly with a straight posture, chin up and both hands around your back.
"Great, your desk is behind Peggy's and you have files to sort out" he said with his arms crossed.
You went out of the office and walked to your desk beginning your paper work.
During break you and Peggy went to Laundromat cafe and met with Angie.
"So y/n/n, were will you be staying?" Angie said whilst handling you your smoothies.
"I am going to stay at the Griffith's until I get a new house" you said after tasting the mouth watering drink.
"Than you have to wait until you meet a rich fella because it is not easy" she said whilst cleaning the top of the bar.
"I have my parents will and some money I got from selling my old house in London" you said siping your drink and looking down at the tiled floor
"Well I am sorry to hear that" said Angie.
"Are you managing to keep up with work?" Peggy said changing the subject as she knew it hurted you
"Yes, it is boring sorting files while you are meant to be in the field but it is my first day. Besides with some men acting like babies it will be fun to insult one" you said putting a smirk of your face.

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