Back on track but somewhat different

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After 3 days at the hospital Jack could return to work at his office.
He found himself constantly daydreaming about you and the night you danced was still fresh in his mind but at the same time doubts kept popping inside his head. He was scared that you wouldn't like him or that you wouldn't want any commitments yet because of your injuries.
You hadn't gone on a mission for a while now but you preferred on curing 100 percent before anymore danger.
Angie decided to pay you a visit at the office surprising you with your favourite smoothie.
"Angie, what a surprise" you said as you looked up from the report you were reading and hugged her.
"Hi y/n/n, I brought you your favourite smoothie" she said as you grabbed it and tasted it.
"Mouth watering as always, please take a seat. Who let you in, we dont usually have visits from non governmental jobs" You said as you sat down
You began talking when Jack came outside his office with a file and handle it to agent Moore.
"Is that chief Thompson?" Angie whispered making a heart shape with her hands.
"Angie you know that you could get me in trouble if someone catches you doing that! And besides I am not sure if he feels the same way as I do to him" You said panicked that someone might have saw the heart.
"Although you didn't tell me anything about the mission you both had, it doesn't mean that Peggy or Daniel didn't tell me on when you were kidnapped" She said looking at her nails and looking at your face with a grin.
"Agent y/n in my office" Jack said looking up at you which you turned red.
"You see now you got me in trouble" You said as you standed up and began walking to the office.
"Ye pfft sure I did. Who do you think got me in her in the first place?" Angie said mumbling whilst signaling to Peggy and Daniel to go near one of the exposed window to see.
"Did you want to speak to me Jack?" You said still panicked that he will fire you for having a friend over.
"Well not exactly speaking" he said getting close to you.
"Than what-" you said but he placed his hand on your chin and kissed you.
The kiss was soft and you knew that it was all a set up but you kissed him back.
His hands cupped your face and you wrapped your hands around his neck with one of them going through his blond soft hair.
In the meantime Peggy, Angie and Daniel watched the whole thing. Peggy and Angie silently awed at the sight as seeing you happy made them happy as well like proud parents.
You and Jack walked out of the office holding hands with a large smile on your faces.
You saw Daniel getting out his wallet and giving Peggy $10 because he lost the bet on whether he end up kissing you or not.
"The thing was all a set up as Jack definitely couldn't do it alone so we helped him" Angie said smiling
"But the thing is Daniel and I couldn't resist a bet" Peggy said grinning at Daniel.
"Now I really need to get back to work but y/n pick you up at eight" Jack said placing his hand around y/n waist and kissing your cheek.
Warning *harassment and abuse*
You were just getting your makeup on before your first official date with Jack.
The door bell rang and you taught it was Jack but as you opened the door there was another man who barged his way in and pinned you to the wall ripping off your dress.
You began protesting as he began touching you until you managed to slip your hands of him and slapping him.
Your feet were back touching the ground so you decided to make a run for it but you were cut short as the man, with his face covered only his eyes showing began punching you and shoving you to the floor until you started bleeding.
He heard a car stopping outside your house and he made a run for it.
Jack found it suspicious that you left the door open so he ran to the door.
Shocked as you laid unconscious on the floor bleeding.
He rushed next to you lifting you up in a bridal styled way to get you in the car. He placed a handkerchief on your wound to decrease a bit the bleeding.
He rushed you to the hospital and whilst the doctors examined you, he called some agents to go to your house and examine for any evidence on who the person may be.
He told Peggy and Daniel to meet in the office were he had a 15 minutes of rage in his office dropping every single thing he found but he grabbed a picture of you that was framed (he found it in your resemy file just a few hours ago)and leaned in the wall crying.
Peggy and Daniel and Rose were outside.
"He really cares about her doesn't he?". Rose said
"Yes he does." Daniel said worried about his Chief and friend
Peggy came in with a cup of tea to calm him down.
"You better change into something more casual and wash a bit your face if you want to go in the hospital." Peggy said helping Jack get out of the office.
As Daniel helped him get ready they went to the hospital.
At the hospital they met with Violet, Daniel's ex-fiance which she gave permission to Jack to stay next to you even after visiting hours.
He never left by your side for 3 days always holding your hands waiting for you to wake up.
In the morning at around 8 o'clock Jack woke up with your gentle hand on his hair.
"Y/n!" He said relieved and happy you woke up .
"What am I doing here, what day is it and what about our date?" You said panicked.
"Hey y/n calm down doll. You are at the hospital three days after we supposed we went on our date." He said rubbing you hands
"The last thing I remember was when the door bell rang and when I opened it a man barged in, ripping off my dress and touching me before I gave him a slap. I tried to run away but he began punching me and shoving me from one end to another causing me to bleed" you said trying to remember every detail as possible.
"The agents from the SSR are analysing the scene to find any evidence as possible" Jack said to you.
"I should have stopped him and fought him. I am an agent for goodness sake, I should be better than this" you said almost in tears
"Hey don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault. Don't be scared I am here for you no matter what" Jack said as he kissed your hands.
You moved a bit to the side of the bed and patting the extra space so Jack could come next to you.
He wrapped his arms around you, cuddling you. You didn't say a word but at that time his warm body made you comfort and by that your love, protection and care to one another only grew.

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