in the death of the night

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After work the agents go to have a drink but they never invite you or Peggy, and Daniel often goes with them as he doesn't like the kind of topics or jokes they pick up.
You three decided to go and have a drink in a different bar and you went by taxi.
You had a blast with each other: laughing and narrating some of your childhood shenanigans.
You went out of the bar and it was late than usual.
You already parted ways and all of the taxis passing were full so you decided to walk, after all only a few blocks were there from your new house.
You just turned the corner when a man came from behind you and placed a handkerchief with some liquid covering your nose and mouth.
You tried to kick your self free but it turned pitch black.
You wake up in a dark room with only a faint light bulb. You are tied to a chair hands behind your back.
"What is this place?" You said until you notice someone in the dark.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?" You said to the figure in the dark whilst squinting your eyes to see clearly.
The figure came into the light. He was a tall well built man with dark hair and a cruel grin. You recognised that it was the owner of the bar you and Jack went to because of the file.
He walked towards you and grabbed your hair and pulled it backwards which of course made your head tilt backwards and you looked firmly as possible looking in his eyes.
"Were is Chief Thompson and the file you took?" He said spitting in your face.
"I better starve to death or get killed than telling you were he or the file is." You said not letting go of eye contact.
He began slapping and punching you. He placed a piece of cloth covering your mouth "idiot, I will show you who you messed with" he said and by that he walked out of the room.
20 minutes had passed and you were still there hoping that someone noticed you were gone.
The door suddenly bursted open revealing Jack and Daniel.
At first you sighed with relief but than you began to shout something but the others couldn't understand you as your mouth was covered.
Suddenly Daniel dropped on the floor unconscious and Jack let out a shout and dropped to the floor covering his abdomen.
"Don't worry y/n it will soon be over once I put an end to you all" he said as he saw you worried and almost in tears.
He untied the ropes and began dragging you whilst taking down your skirt zip.
"Y/n" Jack said weakly trying to move to save you and the situation you could be in a few seconds. You couldn't see him in a weak state so you stomped the owner's foot with your heel and punched him in the stomach with your elbow. You managed to turn a bit, right to kick him in his balls with your knee. He went to the floor whimpering from the pain that you caused. You grabbed the knife he used to injure Jack to untie yourself. You arranged your skirt and knelt by Jack who was fighting to stay alive.
"JACK! Dont worry y-you will be fine just-just hold on" you said frightened and placing the cloth you had around him. "Where is Peggy?"you said
"She is on her way" Jack said before he led out a cough
Peggy came burging in a shocked when she saw Daniel unconscious and her injured chief.
"Oh good Peggy you are here. Try to bring Daniel back to his senses and take care of Jack....I mean the Chief whilst I phone Mr. Jarvis before the owner gets back on his feet." You said.
You ran to the owners office and you phoned Mr Jarvis.
"Hello Edwin Jarvis speaking" he said worried because he heard about your disappearance and half asleep because it was 1 o'clock in the morning.
"Jarvis you know were the abandoned city bar is the one that Mr phillip used to own." You said remembering the place from a photo and the owner's name from a file you saw about him.
"Yes" he said
"Come hear as quickly as possible and get chief Thompson to the hospital before he dies" you said panicking about the fact that Jack may die.
He hang up and as you went near Jack you checked his pulse which he was still alive and carrying him down slowly as possible to the main entrance.
Mr. Jarvis came and you carefully placed Jack in the back seat and he drove to the hospital.
Peggy and Daniel got down signaling you to hide.
He came down and the three of you began fighting with Mr Phillip.
You suffered a light blow in your abdomen.
After the other agents came to pick up Mr Phillip, Peggy and Daniel took you to the hospital.
They made you some stitches.
You didn't want to rest until you saw Jack so with the help of Peggy you were escorted to his room and you found him lying in bed.
"Jack are you alright?" you said moving as fast as you can to go next to him.
"Y/n what happened to you? Are you alright?" He said brushing a stran of your h/c hair from your face.
"I got a bit injured from the fight but I am fine. I was so worried about you" you said holding back a tear from streaming down your face.

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