sneak peak at 8th Thanksgiving

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It was Thanksgiving, your 5th Thanksgiving with the children. Jack planned on helping you but at 10 am the phone rang
"Hello Thompson residence how may I help you?" You answered the phone
"Jack it's for you" you raised your voice abit so he will hear you from the garden because he was playing with Charlotte and George.
"Hello........on are sure it is urgent and necessary....oh ok I will be there" he hang up.
"They requested me in the office and it is urgent. I am sorry, I know I promised you to help you with the cleaning at the cooking." He said sadly
"Dont worry I understand. The office needs you and besides you are the chief I will manage dont worry." You said.
"George, Charlotte come and say bye to daddy" you told them "are you going to stay late there" you said whilst Jack kissed George and Charlotte goodbye.
"Depends but I will try to come in time for dinner" he said and kissed you on the cheek and leaving.
"Why does daddy have to go to work on Thanksgiving" George said annoyingly.
"Come on he plays with you and he promised he wont be long" you said to him.
"But why do you also go to work mummy, Jimmy's mum doesn't go to work" said Charlotte.
"Even aunt Peggy goes to work. It is important that both women and men go to work and its important to respect one another and help eachother that's why I teach both of you to help out in chores" you said lifting up Charlotte.
"Now you need to help me out if you want that at 2 o'clock aunt Peggy will pick you up to play with Steve, Dan and Scarlet."you said softly tickling Charlotte and messing George's hair which was the exact colour of Jack.
They helped out on the chores and after you three ate and washed the dishes Peggy picked the children up for there play date and assured  you that Jack is going to be just fine at the office.
In the office
"These are the files you need to sign and a report you need to check out" Mr Bentley told Jack as he entered the office.
Jack began working on the files but he came out of his office to place a file at 7pm.
"Jack you need to see something quick" Daniel said moving as fast as he can
"Not now Sousa I have work to do" he said looking at the remaining file
"Actually it is related to the new threats" Daniel said
"Dont say that out loud, come to my office" he stopped suddenly and turned
They both went in the Chiefs office
"So what is the new info" Jack said sitting on the chair stressed out.
"These are the latest photographs taken." He said placing the photos on the desk.
"These are of my wife and children" Jack said leaning at the photos
"They have gotten worst than the other photos showing only your house, car and well...of you entering and exiting. " he said worrying
"I hope it's not that John Davis or Vernon or.......both?" Jack said widening his eyes.
"What do you mean by both" Daniel said.
"The pictures are all taken either in the same time but different locations or both in the same time and place but different positions and both of them wants us killed for different reasons." Jack said getting up and pacing from one room to another.
"You are right Jack, haven't thought of that" Daniel said.
"Sorry Chief but we found this. We received it as a call." Rose came barging in the office
"What is it" Jack turned his head surprised
"The caller began saying this pattern" Rose said handling the paper to Daniel
"Its in Morse code" Daniel said looking up from the paper and handling it to Jack.
"Y/n taught me morse code." Jack said whilst getting a paper to write the message down.
"These are the coordinates along with the message" Rose said
"The coordinates of my house and the message: victory at 8.30pm." Jack read eyes widening.
"They are planning to kill us today and the coordinates are exactly were our small family table is and were y/n and I sit." Jack said
"We got three quarters of an hour till that so we better think of a plan." Rose said
"Sorry guys but I cant join on this one" Jack said placing the papers down.
"What why?" Daniel said confused all of a sudden
"Well they know that I return at 8 for dinner so the plan is that I enter my house at eight so they wont suspect a thing but I will not tell y/n or the children or else they will panick. Now I know that there guns are always with a timer and they will hide in a bush so Daniel tell Peggy that you and she will go and turn off the timer. So they know that I go in the garden after I eat so they will have the chance to shoot me there-" Jack said but got interrupted by Rose.
"Are you crazy? You are going to let them shoot you, what if you die and besides how do you know that they will shoot you and not y/n?" Rose said with hands on her hips
"One dont interrupt me, second of all yes I am going to let them shoot me hopefully not dying and three, I know because if John is behind all this it will be worth killing me so he can comfort y/n and try to win her over than killing her to make Vernon use me agian to betray the SSR like he tried to do. " Jack said knowing that he might see his family one last time if it doesn't succeed.
"Besides you will have time to sneak behind him and the other one, it depends, to capture them." Jack continued.
"As much as I dislike the plan which I think it is the most dumbest thing you came up with Jack, but you want to do it for your family and I get it." Daniel said.
"Than there is no way stopping you even of the others say no so good luck and be careful. We better send reinforcements aswell just in case". Rose said, Jack nodded and began driving home.
Meantime at the house after Peggy brought the children back
"George, Charlotte dinner is ready" you said wondering were Jack might be
"Were is daddy?" Charlotte said as you helped them get on the chair
"He will soon be home I promise" you said not letting your worry show.
"The mashpotatoes are delicious mummy as always, it's a pity daddy might eat them cold" George said signiling the empty chair that Jack usually sits on.
"He wont eat the mash potatoes cold because I placed his food in the oven just in case" you said
"Honey I am home" Jack was heard from the corridor closing the door.
"Daddy" George and Charlotte said running to hug there dad.
"My little munchkins, sorry if I kept you waiting" Jack said lifting up George and Charlotte on either side.
"We were just going to start eating, I kept your food in the warm oven" you said getting up and set his plate with the food on the table.
"Thank you doll" he said placing both of them on their chairs.
"Daddy, mummy's mash potatoes are delicious" George said.
"I know, they are always good." Jack said looking at you whilst you were giving Charlotte to eat. He will miss all of this he thought if the plan didn't work and a tear streamed down his face
He looked at the clock and it was 8 35 so it was his que to go out of the garden.
Peggy knew that they were aiming to kill him so she creeped from behind to tilt the gun downwards which will make you unconscious.
The trigger fired and Jack lied in the floor unconscious and bleeding.
Of course you heard the shot and let out a scream as you rushed to Jack's side as saw Peggy handcuffing John. And the other recruits capturing Vernon.
"What is happening?" You said panicked after finding your voice back.
"Explain later, you better get Jack to the hospital dont worry Daniel will take care of them whilst I go to SSR" Peggy said to you.
With tears flowing down your face with the trauma you called an ambulance and went with Jack to the hospital.
In the hospital they immediately did surgery on him and you waited in the waiting room.
Angie came rushing in the hospital along with Howard and Jarvis as soon as they heard the news.
"Y/n everything is going to be alright I promise" Angie said hugging you
"I dont know what happened, I am still shaking, all of a sudden I heard a gun shot". You said crying and resting on Howard because you felt dizzy.
"According to what Peggy told me, Jack began receiving letters filled with threats about killing both of you, that's why they phoned him from the office because Daniel received photos of you and your children as threats. Jack was worried even more when Rose received a phone call with a short of pattern that read the coordinates of your house, specifically were the family table is and the time when they are going to shoot. He suspected that it was Vernon and John and so he came up with a plan including to go out in the garden. " Jarvis said
"What happened to Vernon and John" you said still crying but filling with anger for what they did to him.
" they are getting arrested right now hopefully as we speak for trial in court" Howard said pitting you for your state right now.
The nurse came outside
"The surgery has been successful. We suspect that the bullet could have killed him but it was clear that someone tried to buy him more time to stay unconscious by lowering the bullet. We managed to operate him just in time thankfully". The nurse said letting out a warm smile at the end.
"Can I go inside at least" you said wanting to be by his side.
"Yes but he will be unconscious" the nurse said opening the door so you can get in 
You got in and sat on the chair next to Jack, still crying and fearing if he will be alright even after he wakes up.
You took his hand and placed it on your cheek like he always did when you cry
You began remembering the first vacation you had, or that failed first date but than he owe it to you and every single memorable moment you had which made you cry even more.
The next day Peggy brought the children but you met them outside Jack's room and assured them everyday that he is ok and to have complete faith in the doctors.
It was the third day when you heard a shift and slowly Jack opened his eyes.
An alarm went off and doctors and nurses filled up the room to see if everything is ok.
After the room was empty you sat next to Jack
"Why didn't you tell me?" You said taking his hands and the crying stopped for a bit
"Because I didn't want to worry you and I didn't think it will become to serious and besides I promised you that I will solve it" he said kissing your hand
You helped him sit up
"Do you think the children will get effected with the trauma."you said
"I dont think so. They were up in there room playing and it is not the first time I came home with a bandage because of a mission, and the children know that we are policeman and woman. George said to me once that until I dont die he and Charlotte will be fine." Jack said smirking.
"George is having a bit of an inspiration from us because I often catch him making investigations to his soft toys on a cookie 'they' stole but next time tell me as even I am an agent" you said smirking as well.
A knock came on the door and Peggy peeped her head in
"Are you welcoming any little visitors" she said hoping not to laugh
You both noded happily
George and Charlotte came in running to hug their dad.
"Are you alright daddy" Charlotte said as you helped her climb on the bed.
"I am now seeing all of you." Jack said tickling both of them.
"When are you coming back home" George said hoping to continue playing with his airplanes and soldiers with his dad.
"I think they let me out either today or tomorrow morning" said Jack.
"This wasnt like any other Thanksgiving" you said
"But at least we all are here and I am grateful and thankful for having you munchkins and a caring and beautiful wife" he looked at you and kissed you.
They let him out of the hospital later that day and after two days of rest he entered work, John and Vernon were sentenced a lifetime in jail.

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