mind and heart

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It was only 3 days after the accident and you were still recovering altough you weren't at the hospital.
It was a Saturday morning but the SSR still worked on a Saturday.
Jack was in the office and you could hear him yelling at someone on the telephone from your desk.
"You need to close the streets because people are in danger" he shouted
"I can't do that, because congestion will form. Have a good day sir" the person said at the other end sounding calm as possible
The person hung up and Jack slammed the telephone back to its place.
He dialled a number calling for Peggy and Daniel. They went in the office but you couldn't hear what they said so you continued doing your work.
"We need a plan how we can save as many people as possible" he said running his hand through his hair.
"We need to send the two best agents to enter from each side of the building and find this bomb and diffuse it. " Peggy said pointing at a map of the building were the bomb is planted.
"Peggy and y/n can go and diffuse the bombs while we try and evacuate as many people as possible just in case and the others can control the crowds." Daniel said
"NO, no. I can't let y/n get hurt agian. She already had two traumas" he said shocked at what Daniel said.
"But she is one of the best agents and it's her prior job to be in the field, hurt or not. You sent much more injured soldiers in the battle field. Jack you are letting your emotions choosing your decisions." Peggy siad
"No I am not." He said getting impatient.
"We better see if she wants to because it's her decision" Daniel said to avoid any argument between Jack and Peggy. Jack came from his office and signaling the whole room to gather around.
"According to our spy, there is going to be a bomb in a building I want half of you to help me and Daniel with evacuating the people from the building and the rest of you control the crowds." Jack said and pointing on the map were the agents shall be.
In the meantime you accepted Peggy's plan that you and her will catch the person behind this but after the others started preparing the guns Jack came towards you because he saw you nodding.
"y/n you better stay her. Your too weak to go on a mission like this" he said lowering your gun with his hand.
"No Jack, I am important as the other agents. It isn't the first time you still forced an agent to go on a mission although he had more injuries than me." You said shocked on how he is underestimating you.
"Y/n I am the Chief so I tell you what to do" he said beginning to raise his voice.
"I know my values, Jack and it's my choice and you can't order me what to do" you said begin to raise your voice aswell.
You went with the agents to gather round protecting the people before going in the building
"She was right about that Chief" Daniel said approaching Jack.
" I tried to phone the buildings company but they didn't want to and I don't want her go get hurt agian" he said worried about you.
You met with Peggy and from different entrances you entered the building trying to get passed by the people who were getting evacuated.
You began searching everywhere.
"Daniel evacuate the people from the next building just in case there would be the assasin" you said on the walkie talkie.
Daniel did as you said and a loud, big crowd gathered. "We found the assassin" said Daniel after Jack, some of the agents and him did an inspection.
"Than the bomb is here for sure Peg" you said.
"I can hear sobbing" Peggy said holding you to stop moving to hear better.
"I am going to see who is it" you said following the noise
You found a boy underneath a desk.
"Hey are you alright were is your mother?" You said in a soft voice kneeling next to him.
"I went to--the ba--throom---aand now every-one left me a-lone." The boy said crying and sobbing.
"No you are not alone you have me and agent Carter. Hear come with me" you said feeling empathy for the small boy.
"Peggy did you find and diffuse the bomb?" you said carrying the boy.
"Yes but I can hear a beeping" Peggy said confused.
"Daniel get as much agents as you can and get a blanket. Me and Peggy have a boy and we need to jump now." You shouted on the walkie talkie.
As soon Daniel said that you can jump you broke the window, covered the boys face and jumped as the whole building exploded.
"What the hell happened?" Daniel said panicked
"I diffused the bomb whilst y/n found this boy but there was a second bomb and there wasnt much time." Peggy said.
"I know were his mother is because I had to calm her down" Daniel said helping you both to get up and you began walking behind him till you reached the mother.
"Jeremy!" The mother said hugging to boy. "Thank you agents" the mother continued saying shaking both of your hands.
"Where is Jack" you said panicked looking everywhere for him.
"He is in the interrogation room interrogating the assassin. I told him to go home but he didn't wan't to" Daniel said.
"I am going to go. I think we have some talking to do". You said getting in the SSR.
Jack was interrogating the assassin but as he saw you he left the room and you followed him into his office.
"What were you thinking?" He said looking at the window. "Its been three days" he said calmly.
He turned around " THREE days from the accident and you can barely walk properly and than enter a building which had a bomb. You could have been blowed up for goodness sake. I thought you would be cunning enough to stay at the office were you belong right now or at home getting some rest." He turned facing you with his hands on the desk yelling at you.
" you are weak, can't walk--"
Before he could finish you slapped him
"If it wasn't for me the boy that I saved would have died. And I can walk just fine. Sure it was a close call but we managed. It is my job and duty to protect this city and I did. You even once sent a scientist with no experience and he still survived so why won't I, because I am a lady?" You said warming up
"No it's" Jack said still shocked by the slap.
"When you apologised I convinced myself that I had feelings for you and unknowingly you proved Peggy wrong when she told me you have no empathy for his agents especially women" I said firmly.
"NO" he yelled shocking you
"No it's...its because I don't wan't to loose you" he said leaning on the table.
"I already lost many people in my life but I never knew that I could feel more than just guilt when I started liking you.
"Jack...you are never ever going to loose me but you have to trust me like I do and you can be open with me when you are feeling down so we can avoid arguments" you said hugging him tightly and you both felt protection and comfort.
You began tearing up.
"Alright my doll" he said as he broke the hug to wipe away your tear.
You leaned on his hand and you kissed before going out of the office.

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