Summer holiday

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It was already the 3rd day since you and Jack landed in Miami for the surprise holiday he surprised you for your Birthday.
You woke up with the rays of sunshine seeping through the curtains.
You opened your eyes slowly and turned facing Jack, who was awake admiring him sleeping and you quite enjoyed Jack with his messy blond hair.
"Good morning doll" he said looking in your eyes.
"Good morning my angel" you said
"I ordered room service" he said smirking as I yawned silently
"Ok" I said as the door knocked.
Jack opened the door, he took the tray from the waiter, placed it on the nightstand and paid the waiter.
"Awwww Jack full English breakfast my favourite. Thank you dear" you said sitting up and taking the long tray which was almost the width of the bed.
"Welcome doll, I knew you liked it. Now today I got something planned for us to do" he said smirking and pecked a kiss on your cheek.
"Shopping spree" you said jokingly remembering about yesterday because Jack had to hold all your shopping bags.
"No this time its different nd neither a cinema like the first day." He said drinking some coffee.
You dressed and went to swim.
In the sunset you both dressed up and took a walk in the beach were you laughed, you ran which he snuck from behind you and lifted you causing you to both laugh and you walked peacefully enjoying the scene.
You both went to a restaurant next to the beach.
"Now I am going to pay today" you said looking at the menu.
"No I will pay" he insisted
"Jack, you already paid for the flight, accommodation, room service, cinema, rental car and for the beautiful emerald dress. It's too much" you said hating that he is paying for everything.
" y/n I insist" he said thinking that you are cute when you worry.
" Jack at least let me pay this one and all the activities that you told me you had in mind for the next 3 days or at least I will pay this meal and than tell me the final amount so that at least I will pay you" you said placing down the menu.
*sighs* "fine, you will pay this meal than I will let you know the final amount but you will pay half of it" he said letting down his guard as he didn't want to ruin the wonderful moment.
"Thank you" you said blushing slightly.
"Oh no no no no. This can't be happening" you said placing the menu in front of your face.
"What's wrong" Jack said but it was too late as you ran to the bathroom tearing up.
Jack ascused himself to the waiter and ran to see what was going on.
He knocked at the door
"Hey what's wrong. We promised we won't shut eachother out." He called out from the other side of the door as he heard you sobbing.
"You-can-come-in" you said and he entered.
He let out his hands and you went for a hug.
He began calming you down by stroking your hair
"Hey what's wrong I may help" he said as you broke the hug and looked in your eyes worryingly
"There was a man, his name is John Davis. When I was in London he was my friend and we were together for a month until he got abusive so I left him. A week before I came in America he began threating me and that was one of the reasons I came here quickly as possible. I think that he was the same person who came in and know when we supposed to have our first date because I recognised his eyes. " you said tearing up agian after remembering the things he did.
"Hey dont worry you have me and I wont let anyone do that to you. I promise the first thing we do as we get back we try to find the bottom of this all." He said pulling you into another hug.
"If this will make you feel better you sit with your back at him so I can see that he doesn't hurt you ok? Dont let him ruin the night. Tomorrow I have another surprise." He said whilst you nod and wiped away the tears.
The next day you went to a mat gala and you wore the emerald dress that left Jack speechless when you walked out of the bathroom.
And after you got from the holiday you began investigating on John Davis and Mr Phillip.

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