First mission

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A week had passed and one fine morning you stand up from your chair and began pushing the trolley to go sort the files when agent Moore said "you suck at this job, why don't you go as a model? I will gladly visit your work place"and with that he winked. You stop your trolley and walked towards him. "If you want a model to make you company after work than hire a professional if you don't want to be in a hospital bed badly injured because of one sudden move you make" you said calmly with an attitude as agent Moore became red as his colleagues turned to face him.
"Agent y/l/n in my office now" said the Chief after opening his office door and hearing what you said.
You marched in his office and he slammed the door as you went in his office.
"I didn't like the way you humiliate my men and besides if they are giving you a hard time you could tell me" He said angrily both of his hands on his desk.
"But doesn't that make a woman weaker if she just runs crying in the Chiefs office because of a man who acted like a child?" You said raising your voice.
"Remember you are talking to your chief and I will not tolerate you raising your voice" he said angrily.
"Now I have a mission for you this evening" he continued as his tone lowered a bit.
"unfortunately you are my only choice as none of my men wants to disguise as a woman" he continued.
"Than what is the mission?" You asked
"You have to come with me in this bar because some blackmarket negotiators have an important file with plans for weapons and they are giving it to the owner." He said sitting on his desk. "Wear a fancy dress, we will leave at nine and don't be late. Some of the agents would be on stand by to assist if needed help"
You nodded and went out of the office angrily and went with Peggy to the Laundromat after you bought the dress.
at Laundromat cafe.
"Well hello English and y/n/n what can I get for you?" Angie said leaning on the bar.
"Well nothing for me that's for sure because my stomach is closed because of the Chief" you said angrily
"I will have the same smoothie" Peggy said walking after you with a grin on her face
"Woah what's wrong with her english?" Angie said.
"Oh it is that time of month which came two days earlier and Chief Thompson woke up in the wrong side of bed" Peggy said picking up her smoothie.
"Usually I will be really hungry but today I just woke up angry. New York really messed up my hormones. Yesterday the temperature was 30°C. With that temperature it will be a heat wave in London and I am not a fan of the sun" you said
"Well get used of the sun and we use Fahrenheit, what is celcius anyway?" Angie said smirking.
Daniel came barging in and said " y/n the Chief wants you in his office."
"Great here we go agian. Hey guys if you her me shout it means he bursted my big bubble" you said walking out and Daniel coming next to the bar.
"I mean she is right, sometimes the Chief can be harsh" Daniel said.
You knocked at the door
"Did you ask for me sir?" You said with your arms crossed.
"Yes I did. Listen about this morning, I don't want any agents being written in my bad list especially new and capable agents, from which I read in your resemy you are one of the best so I wanted to apologise knowing that you may be adjusting yourself in a completely different lifestyle, .......monthly problems and hoping you will accept the apology" he said with his hands in his pockets and with a little smile.
You notice that he, for once accepted his mistake and it was a true and honest apology.
Your anger suddenly melts away and with a soft voice you said "I am sorry too on how I acted I should have controlled my anger and you are forgiven".
"Thank you and you may go and continue your break" he said nodding.
You went back to the Laundromat cafe next to the others.
"So how did it go" Daniel said.
" me." You said still shocked and surprised.
"What?" Daniel said shocked.
"Did he hit his head with one of the metal drawers or does he already have a soft spot for you?" Peggy said placing her glass of water on the bar just in case she drops it.
"You are blushing. You like him" Angie gasped in surprise pointing her finger at your face.
"What no, he is my Chief why would I be in love with him and it's been only a week" you said trying to hide it while Peggy and Daniel stared at you and grinning at each other
"Pftttt ye sure like I am believing that" Angie said while you role your eyes.
You realised that you would be late if you went to change in the ladies room so you went to the men's locker room and knocked at the door.
Mr Thompson opened the door still not dressed yet in his tux. "I thought that I better change here than being late" you said.
Without a word Mr Thompson pointed out a spot were you could change because he didn't want any arguments
"Are you almost ready?" He said 10 minutes later.
"I cant reach the dress's zip" you said trying to reach it whilst getting impatient.
"Let me help" Thompson said in a calming voice which shocked you for a bit.
You both went down stairs and you were going to signal a taxi when Thompson said " hey y/l/n may I offer you a ride? It's not worth paying for just a few blocks away" he said opening the passengers door.
"Oh....umm...thx" you said as you went into the car which the seat was comfortable.
"Since when you began offering a lady a ride, Chief?" You said in a teasing voice as he started the engine.
"You can call me Jack" he said and as you were still shocked you said "ok and so you can call me y/n"
"You look beautiful tonight." He said not letting his eyes off from the road and blushing.
"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself" you said looking out from the window so he doesn't see you blushing.
"So tell me about yourself" he said as he stopped the car because of a red light.
"Well I knew Peggy since we were little and we were always creating mischief and not being like other girls who were soft and all lady like. But at a certain age we both had to act like ladies. But the war broke and Peggy came to America and still wrote letters telling me about Steve. Of course in England the war was worst and I had no choice but to enter the British SSR and I began liking the job but not the environment I worked in.
My parents died leaving me enough money to atleast get a small house. The company I worked in got bankrubed a week before I came to New York." You said looking down at a photo you had of your parents.
Jack looked down at the photo before continuing driving.
"I am sorry to hear it and for making you uncomfortable" he said stopping because he found a parking spot.
"Don't be. No one I know can understand me anyway." You said wiping away a tear.
Jack stopped the engine as he was ready from parking and said "no I understand. I lost my parents at a young age leaving me an orphan but the orphanage were I ended up in were nice to me and as they saw potential in me they encouraged me".
"I am sorry to hear it as well." You said and there was silence until Jack spoke
"Well we better get in" he said taking off his seatbelt and opening the car door for you.
You both went inside and as people were dancing you decided to go with the flow whilst you keep an eye out.
As he placed his hand on your waist and taking your left hand into his you felt butterflies down your stomach and your cheeks turned red.
"Are you ok?" he said in a soft voice
"Yes I am" you assured him
"You are a good dancer, Jack" you said
and he smiled at you.
"you don't smile that often" you said immediately regretting what you said
"You like it? I don't smile that often at work because I try to keep serious as possible" he said still smiling.
"I like it." You said and somehow you leaned your head on his chest, closing your eyes and making a warm smile. You found comfort in your chief that was a year older than you, a man you taught he was cold hearted just few hours ago.
He leaned his head on yours, closing his eyes and smiled.
You were enjoying yourself but as you opened your eyes you notice the owner coming back with the negotiators from an office.
"Jack" you said in a soft voice only he heard it.
"Mhm" he said still with his eyes closed enjoying the moment
" the owner returned from the office with the negotiators" you said your head looked at Jack's eyes which were opened as you stopped dancing.
"I will go and distract him whilst you go in the office and steal it" he said to you making a serious face once agian.
Jack hated the fact that the owner unknowingly ruined the moment.
You nodded as he went to introduce his fake identity to the owner and you opened the office door with an extra bobby pin you had.
You began checking the office trying not to misplace things so that the owner doesn't notice.
The safe was the only thing left and you opened it with a 'watch' Peggy had lended you.
You got the file and placed it under your dress.
You got out and closed the door signaling to Jack that it was successful
He bid his farewell to the owner and went in between the crowd to get to you.
You both went to the car and he escorted you through the back of the apartment as it was passed 10pm were Peggy and Angie helped you get up to your room after you gave the file to Jack.
Peggy and Angie tried to get you to say about your night with Jack but you stayed quite and as you laid in bed you taught on when you two danced.
In the meantime the owner went to the office and found that his file was missing. He suspected on you as he saw you dancing with Jack and with an evil smile he had a plan.

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