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Ella's head was still a mess about Tom wanting her to give them a second chance. She knew deep down she wanted to. But she also knew a small part of her still loved Max.

She walked downstairs that morning and smiled as she saw her mum. "Hey mum. What's up?" She asked.

Claire sighed. "Your sister didn't come home last night. She's bloody pregnant too."

"I'll sort it mum. I promise," Ella said as she looked to her.

Claire nodded. "Thanks love. I just don't know what else I can do for her. Especially if she's acting like this."

"She's scared. I was the same. But I was a little older than what she is. But trust me, it'll be okay."

"I hope so."

Ella pulled up outside Tom's house. He walked out with Gracie. "Hey. This little madam decided to throw a bowl of water over me. With a bar of soap in. Hit me on the nuts."

Ella smirked. "That's my girl. Has she been good other than that though?" She asked.

Tom nodded. "She's always good. I love her to death. Are you okay?" He asked as he looked to her.

Ella sighed. "Lex is acting up. She's going through some stuff. Especially being pregnant. It's hard. She didn't come home last night. So I'm going to take Gracie back to my mum and go find the demon child."

"I'll come with you. I don't want you alone," Tom said.


The two of them were sitting in the car. Tom looked to her. "You're too good you know. Even though your sister slept with your boyfriend. You're still out looking for her."

Ella nodded. "Max is manipulative. He probably seduced her."

"I still want you back Ella. I love you."

"Tom. Don't do this."

Tom looked to her and sighed. "Ella. Come on. We're good together. You know it," he said.

Ella knew she wanted to give him another chance. But she was scared to. She was worried that he would break her heart again.

Tom took her hand. "Come on babe. Let's give us another go. Let's give our little girl the family she deserves. Me, you and Gracie."

"I don't know."

Ella eventually found Alexis. She was sitting outside the doctors. "Hey. What's happened? You didn't go home," Ella said.

"I couldn't. Not when I tell mum what I'm doing," Alexis mumbled.

"And what are you doing?"

Alexis looked to her and sighed. "I'm giving my baby up for adoption. It's for the best. You won't want to be reminded of what I did with your boyfriend. I won't want to be reminded that I'm a slag," she said.

Ella frowned. "Lexi. Don't do this babes. You'd be a good mummy. I know you will. I know it doesn't seem it right now, but you have the best support bubble. I know you're worried. But you don't need to be. I promise you."

"Max told me to do it too. He said he doesn't want to have an illegitimate kid running around."

Ella sighed. She took her hand. "It'll be okay. I'll sort out Max."


Ella and Tom were sitting in the car again. Tom looked at her. "You know we're meant to be together right? You can kiss as many frogs as you want. But I'm the Prince you're meant to be with."

Ella laughed and looked at him. "One chance. You get one chance to prove why I should."

Tom nodded. But could he convince her to give him the second chance?

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