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[ Evelyn ]

July 26, 2010

"My mother would seriously kill me right now," I mumble continuing my fast typing, my best friend read everything over my shoulder making sure I had spelled everything right and had the right grammar. 

Today I had finally decided to try out for X-Factor. My favorite show. Between the singing, dancing, and comedy I find myself totally in love with the show. My sixteen-year-old self believed I would make it. For years people have always told me I had the voice and looks to win. After Tina bugging me non-stop for a week I was now writing an email to the for tryouts. Ever since I told Tina I wanted to tryout she has been freaking out. 

With my mom out and the computer not being used we decided it would be the perfect time to send the email. Even when I had multiple people telling me to tryout for the show, my mum never wanted me to. She said even if I did win, the fame would ruin me. Just like it did to all teenagers. 

Now I was going against my mother's wishes and signing up for the show. It was exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time. My mother would surely kill me when she found out. But, the thought of winning the show and accomplishing all my dreams kept me going. 

The thought of losing was out of mind. I had no idea what I would do if I lost. I know I would stop singing, I would be too ashamed to keep going. I would be embarrassed on live television, in front of millions of people. Then, I would come home and my mum would laugh in my face and say I told you so.

I did not want that to happen. 

"I'm so excited!" Tina gasped, the sound of her voice startling me a little bit. We hadn't spoke since I started this email. 

"I am too!" I chuckle, keeping my gaze on my email. 

I was almost done, just needing to find the proper way to say good-bye. I always had difficulty emailing adults, I spent most of my life texting. I always used r and u or omw and lol. Now I couldn't used any of that and had to use words that sounded bigger to make myself sound smarter than I really was. 

"That's not how you spell sincerely." Tina informed me, pointing out the misspelled word. I was glad Tina was there or else I would've looked like an idiot. Despite me having all A's inn my studies, I wasn't the smartest when it came to spelling and grammar. 

"Mhm," I hum and correct the misspelled word. 

I remembered watching my mum write emails when I was younger. She always signed with her full name, company name, and then her phone number. 

I did not have a company. 

So I stuck with placing down my full name, phone number, and email. 

"Are you done?" Tina gasped, her voice rising higher from the excitement. 

"Yes!" I squeal clicking the send button. 

I turn in the office chair. Tina started to squeal and I started to clap happily. The feeling that came with breaking the rules and accomplishing a life dream was trilling. I had always been the girl to never disobey the rules, following them and then some. 

I had to give Tina some credit, breaking the rules are fun

"I can't believe you just singed up for the biggest show in the world!" Tina gasped, waving her hands dramatically. 

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