18 7 13



so this is my first time writing something like this....

hope its good?

[ Evelyn ]

Poor Harry.

He had to watch my mum continuously fighting with me all night. It didn't help I was stubborn and fought back, causing our arguments to be louder. I couldn't help but feel sorry for storming off at dinner, leaving Harry with my mum.

But could you play me?

Every song I worked on, I worked so hard on them. And she went on about how they were her least favorite. A part of me wondered if she just did that to anger me. If she was trying that. She succeeded. 

I was so pissed. I tried to calm myself by pacing and kicking my duffel bag. But, unfortunately that failed. So I was stuck taking a shower. Not that I minded. Probably needed it. Showers were calming, especially when I would throw mini concerts. But, my phone was out in the kitchen and I was not ready to go out there and face my mother again. 

So I showered in complete silence, leaving me to think. The silence was interrupted by the sound of Harry entering our room. It still felt weird to say, our room. I had no idea how long this would last, this little vacation. So, I better get used to it. 

I felt a little guilty Harry was dragged into this, if my mum hadn't brought a plane ticket for him because I 'liked' him, then he wouldn't be in between my mother and mine feud. 


The room had been so silent I was able to hear the click of the lock. 

I wasn't surprised Harry locked. He probably guessed I didn't want my mother back in. Which was correct. If we could stay in our room- with locked doors- my life would be happy and content. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the tall figure standing outside my door. My shower door was a sliding glass door, the glass was foggy with star because of the hot water I was using currently. 

Oh my God, what if it's a murder!

Even being 18 I still had the constant fear that someone will pop out randomly, wether it was a daemon or a physco killer, it was a horrible fear. But for some reason, I wasn't scared. 

The door opened with a small creak. Once the door was opened it revealed a naked Harry. My eyes widened from the shock, and my cheeks were turning red. I quickly wrap my arms around my stomach, feeling insecure under his beautiful green eyes. 

 "Evelyn," He breathed, like he was shocked I was showering. His eyes went up and down my body, taking in every inch of me. His lips were part, making his lips even more plump and kissable.

I didn't know what to say, too shocked to do or say anything. Why was he standing in front fo me? Naked?

He stepped in, keeping his eyes on me. I was frozen under the steaming hot water, too afraid to do anything else but stare at his tan chest. The black ink dotting his skin so beautifully. Hot water began to run down his muscular arms.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I asked while watching him step again. That one step allowed our bodies to be pressed together. 

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