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[ Harry ]

The sound of Evelyn's mother's voice pulled us out of our trance. Both of us coming to our senses. 

Shit, did I really just do that?

Evelyn and I stared at each other, neither one of us knowing what to say. We were both soaking wet, Evelyn for other reasons. The shower water had turned from steaming hot to cold. My lips were sore from kissing, but I didn't really pay attention to that feeling till now. 

It kinda tingles.

"I should," Evelyn gestures to the door, awkwardly. 

"Um, yeah." I move my hand from next to her head. I stand back. It took everything in me not to look at her body. 

She seemed to also be struggling, but she made it more obvious. She had red cheeks as her eyes trained down my chest, she stopped at some tattoos. But before she got lower her eyes went back to mine.

She quickly exited the room, head down. 

Jesus, did I just ruin everything.

I lean against the shower wall, rubbing my face. I groan at the thought of me messing everything up. I didn't think this through.

 What would happen when we went back to Simon?

What if I got her pregnant?

What if she friend zones me?

 I sigh. The cold shower water was anything but calming. But, I wanted Evelyn to have time with her mom. I also wanted to avoid her mother, I was still a little embarrassed at blowing up at her earlier today. That's on her though, she didn't need to say such cruel things to me about my best friend. Maybe she thought I wouldn't defend Evelyn, but that's very wrong.

I would defend Evelyn until the day I die.

I stand in the shower, the water was still running drowning out their voices. I take this opportunity just to shower, I probably smelled like the plane we rode on to get here earlier. Which isn't very good.

Evelyn had a large assortment of shampoo and conditioner, and body wash. I never realized how many shower items a girl could had. Gemma used to have a lot; she used to have three body washes, five shampoos, and six conditioners. Ask me why she had five shampoos and six conditioners, I'll never know.

Evelyn had three bottles of shampoo and four bottles of conditioner, two different shaving cremes, and seven different body washes. She seemed to have a keen liking in Philosophy body wash, since five of the seven body washes were Philosophy. 

Hula Girl, what the fuck does that smell like? 

Honey and Creme looks like beer.

Apple Cider, this isn't fall. 

I judge a few other ones, but I settled on the Vanilla Birthday Cake. She also had vanilla shampoo and conditioner, so it seemed like the best option. I try not to use too much. Evelyn could be disgusted with the fact I used her shower stuff. 

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