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sorry for the delay in this update



so I can make this into a book series!!!!

it can be a three book or

two book

both equally drama and smutty filled :)


[ Harry ] 

"Dude, this is perfect!"

The balcony turned out to be my hiding place while both Evelyn and her mum were busy making dinner. It was a catastrophe, and if I didn't have Louis' loud mouth I would be able to hear their arguing. 

"What do you mean, perfect?" I ask exasperated. For the past ten minutes Louis has been claiming this...... get away will be perfect. I couldn't help but disagree.

"Ugh, you're stupid," I could picture Louis pacing back and forth in our living room, "You like Evelyn, okay?"

That was true. I don't understand why he had to tell me though. He's known since I found out. Ever since I was 16, when we filmed What Makes you Beautiful.  Originally, she wasn't supposed to be our date, but the model turned out to be sick. So, naturally I got to sing to her, both of us staring at each other with smiles on our faces. I even got to play with her hair for a shot, and it was really soft. 

"We've known since WMYB we've known. Well I knew. then the boys found out because you decided to go all flirty with her and try to kiss her when you did Just Dance."

My cheeks heated up from the memory. 

"Ok," I cough awkwardly, "I understand."

"Do you?" Louis asked accusingly.


"What I'm trying to say is; Evelyn's mum doesn't want y'all together, right?" Louis asked. 

I shrug, nto sure how to respond. She's hinted it, but never out right said anything. "I...I guess?"

"We'll take that as a yes." Louis sighed, "Ok, so Evelyn hates her mum right?"

"Obviously." I mock Louis' deep accent.

"Are you trying to mock me?" 

Tiny but mighty.


"That's what I thought." I could picture Louis nodding, then going back to pacing behind the gray couch. 

"So, you know what that means, right?"

I stay silent. I didn't want to say no, knowing Louis would tease me for it. But I had now lea what he meant. He just stated simple facts.

"I'm taking the silence as a no," Before I could protest he continued, "My sweet innocent child."

I roll my eyes and bit back a, I'm not innocent. 


Never mind, I am innocent.

Shocked by Louis bluntness, I plop myself onto the white tiled porch. I sat with my legs crossed, one hand holding my phone, and the other playing with my sweatpants. 

"I...... I can't." I sighed, rubbing my face. 

"Can't or won't?" Louis asked accusingly. When he tried, he could be wise. 

"That's against Simon's rules!" I defend. Defying Simon's rules could make me lose my job. I fucking loved my job. Seeing the fans, making music people loved, and most of all, I made five new best friends. 

"Fuck Simon's rules! He's not there." He spoke slowly like he was speaking to a toddler. "Evelyn and you like each other, you just need a little bit fo a push. So go fuck her."

"We're about to have dinner,"

"Perfect! Right in front of the mum!"

I hang up after that statement. My cheeks were flushed and I didn't know how to respond to such a thing. I was definitely no innocent, my search history can prove that. But when it came to Evelyn... I just wanted to pamper her and treat her like a queen. Not fuck her on the table and whisper dirty things to her.

That would be nice.

I shake my head at my thoughts. Immediately disgusted. Evelyn was my best friend. I'm not going to ruin that. 


"So, you aren't dating?"

I was very slowly leaning towards what Louis said. Evelyn's mum couldn't shut up about how we aren't dating. I could tell Evelyn was also getting annoyed by the way her knuckles were turning white from gripping her fork. 

"Have you ever heard one of our songs before?" I asked. I hoped this would get her to shut up about me and Evelyn. 

"Yeah, of course. No matter how much I hate my daughter I still listen to her music." Her mother shared a glance at her daughter, who was too busy playing with her napkin to look at her mother.

"I hate the song.... Over Again?" Evelyn picks her head up at the song she wrote, "Gotta be you, and They Don't Know About Us."

Every single song Evelyn wrote was on her mum's hate list.

By the way Evelyn's eyes glossed over you could tell she took that to heart. 

"I'm going to bed," She announced suddenly. She slammed her fork down and stormed off, leaving the table in an awkward silence. 

"God," Evelyn's mum spoke, she took her napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth, "She's got such horrible mood swings. I am so glad you aren't dating her."

Anger consumed me. "I think she's a great person!" I push my chair out, "A lot better than you."

Damn first night and you already yelling at her mum.

Her mother gasped and looked up at me, offended. I didn't care, I rushed to our bedroom, in hopes Evelyn was okay. I knew she took that to heart, especially because she loved those songs. the sounds of Evelyn's mum cleaning up the kitchen were drawn out by the time I reached our door. 

The sound of shower water could be heard now.

Evelyn was taking a shower.

She always said she took showers to calm herself down; surprisingly she did that a lot when she's left home alone with Liam and Louis. Just kidding. It was no surprise. I walk into our room, seeing Evelyn's clothes she once was wearing stuffed messily into the bag.

I sigh. This sucked. Everything about this. I could see why Evelyn was so reluctant to come, I could see why she didn't believe me when I looked on the bright side. 

the shower water was still running. It was the only sound that I could hear. My phone was resting on top of the bed. The call from earlier came into my mind. 

Something came over me; lust, desire, wanting to prove someone wrong? Whatever it was, it came over me and I walked to the door. Locking it. 

Then I stripped.


yall know what's up!

so I kinda rushed this cause my mum needed it by 8:30, I started at 8:00.

I hope it was good enough!

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