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[ Harry ]

July 10, 2013

I did not know much about Eve's mum. 

When the topic of family came up somehow Eve managed to avoid the topic. The one time I ever heard something about her mum was hen she was on FaceTime with Tina in the lounge, Tina very loudly stated 'your mum's being an asshole again.' Eve quickly left the room after that. I never brought it up around her, assuming it was a sensitive topic. 

I never meant to read her texts. But, Eve's phone was face-up right next to me. It buzzed a lot and was very distracting. By the time I grabbed it, her phone had six messages. 

Ms. Yard

its been almost three years since you left

I miss you

Tony left

I finally looked you up

I cant say im proud, but good job.

I brought you plane tickets for you and that Harold boy you seem to like

My heart skipped a beat at the last text. 

That Harold boy you seem to like

Though I would usually be bothered by someone calling me Harold, I was more focused on the like part. My mind immediately went to like like. She liked liked me, hopefully. 

I know I did. 

Evelyn was the kindest person I met. She was gorgeous too. When I first met her, I was a little unsure about her. She was shy, and barley spoke up when we were put together. It took us two weeks for her to break her shell and start talking. Three weeks to hear her sing. 

Once I did, my heart flutter and an uncontrollable smile appeared. 

Only then did she become herself. 

It's hard not to like Evelyn. She wasn't afraid to be herself once you got to know her, she was talkative, and a great listener. She never complained. She always had an optimistic side and her smile rarely left her face. My favorite feature was her smile. 

Though my feelings were plainly obvious, Evelyn seemed to not notice. I guess she thought I was a touchy friend. I had only told Niall my feelings, but the boys already knew. The most embarrassing part was, Simon knew as well. 

I never liked Simon. But my disliking for him grew when he found out my feelings. He made it his mission to keep me away from Evelyn. Sitting in between us during meals, intervening in our conversations, and even putting her in another flat. It only worked for so long. By the time we were seventeen, Evelyn decided enough was enough and moved into our flat without Simon's permission. She would make up excuses for Simon to leave at meals so she could sit besides me. Then when Simon interrupted our conversations, she would ignore it. 

Simon has given up now. 

I assumed by now he also didn't care what we did. Sense he agreed to letting Evelyn and I go back to her hometown for..... I actually don't know how long. I was excited to hear about this. Evelyn looked like she wasn't. 

When I showed her phone to her, she paled and her happy smile was replaced with a large frown. She then stormed out of the room after taking her phone from me. Her being mad was a rare sight for all of us. The last time I had seen her genuinely mad was when Louis had dropped her phone and broke it. That was last tour. The last tour was six months ago. 

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