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[ Evelyn ]

July 11, 2011


A short period of time where you go off and enjoy yourself. 

So this vacation Harry and I were supposed to be exciting and something I should look forward too. But thinking about stepping on my childhood house was a nightmare. It was something that made my stomach churn in an uncomfortable way and my mind go blank with discomfort. 

A teenage reaction. You probably would think if you heard me right now. But I think I deserve to be this upset about visiting a mother who wasn't even proud of me. My mother didn't even text me to make sure I made it onto the plane, she completely forgot about me. 

To be fair, I didn't text her either. 

But, that's not the point!

The point is, I hate my mother and she hates me- this 'vacation' will be shit. 

"Cheer up, Eves." Harry comforted me. We were both in the car, both silently looking out the windows. 

"No," I deny, crossing my arms stubbornly. I may sound like a toddler but sometimes being a toddler is necessary. 

"Your mother's an ass, I get it. But, think about tit," Harry wrapped an arm around me and shushed me against him, I wasn't complaining, he smelled great, "You get to show me everything about your childhood! Friends, places, even grave sights!" 

I raise my eyebrows in question, I had no one I knew dead. 

"Ok..." Harry noticed my raised eyebrows, "Maybe not the last one... but the rest of them!" Harry exclaimed determinedly. 

"Fine, but only because you're excited." I huffed. 

"That's the spirt, Eve!" He applauded, and gave me a large smile. The smile was so large his dimples poked out and his green eye shined in happiness. 

I huffed. I almost wanted to mock Harry, and his stupid and excited self. 


The arrival to my house wasn't grand. No cars were in our driveway, no signs of live in my house, and the grass was overgrown. 

God, did this place look awful.

I think my mum is having a mid-life crisis. 

Our house still looked the same; large and homy. Multiple windows were on the white walls. The stone pathway looked to be freshly done giving it a welcoming vibe. The perks of having a rich mother, was a large house and a large yard. 

"Wow," Harry stepped out behind me. His eyes admired my house, "My house does not look like this."

"I know, you seem to forget I joined your family fo rChristmas one time." I smile at the memory. It was an unforgettable one, at least for me, the Styles went all out for Christmas. Matching pajamas, egg nog, family decorating- even making their own decorations, and of course White Elephant. Originally I was not supposed to go, I would stay in the flat like I had done the year before and watch Hallmark movies. 

But Harry insisted.

So, I went. And I do not regret it. 

"Yeah," Harry smiles softly at the memory, his eyes looking down at me, "It was a great time. And we'll have on here." 

"Mhm," I hum. I enjoyed Harry's optimism but, I could tell it was slowly failing with every no that came from my lips. 

Harry walked to the trunk, noticing the driver hadn't bothered to grab our luggage. Stupid Northerners. 

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