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a/n: hey guys so I imagine Evelyns voice as Anna Maynard if u haven't heard of her I put in a her link!

also I have like no idea how this works so.... :)))))))))))))))))

[ Evelyn ]

3 years later.... 

July 10, 2013

The air smelled like McDonald's french fries and expensive cologne. The McDonald's French fries smell probably came from the bag of McDonald's food in the middle of the room. The cologne smell probably came from the five rich boys sitting around me, stuffing there faces with the greasy fast food. 

The five boys are my best friends. Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles. Ever since we were partnered up in X-Factor we were together. They were my new family. They knew pretty much everything about me and I knew almost everything about them as well. 

Being in an all boy-band could be awkward at times. Especially when most people thought I was dating one of the members. Probably the best one was Evarry, Harry and my ship. We were close, we had inside jokes, we never minded being touchy with each other, and we would always be caught staring at each other. We were practically a couple without the label. 

Till this day my mum never bothered calling, texting, she didn't even email me. To be fair, I had done none of those things. Those last two months were awful. My mum brought men home all the time and she didn't bother keeping it down, I was left to get a job and pay for everything I needed since she gave up on taking care of me. Tina alway kept me updated, I had managed to stay in touch with her after all these years. 

"Have I mentioned how much I love McDonald's?" Louis asked, stuffing some more french fries in his mouth. 

We all hum in agreement, we were all busy stuffing our faces with the greasy food. We had been working on our new album all day. We had done vocals to help decide who sung what, we wrote different lyrics but none seem to work. Eventually, Simon had ordered us food. 

Simon was probably one of the worst people I have ever met. Along with his management employees. For the first album I wasn't allowed to sign much because I was a woman. Harsh, yes. For the second album the boys all said they would quit if I wasn't allowed to sing. I had gotten only small parts once again. Now, we were writing this album with me being able to sing as much as I could. 

"I love it as well," Niall groaned, "Thanks for getting it for us Simon." Niall looked at Simon. Simon, who was sitting in the office chair, nodded. "Anything for my best singers." He respond cheekily, resting his arms behind his head watching us eat. 

Louis wiped some ketchup from the corner of his mouth, "Could you get me a mansion? Wait, no! A castle!" Simon rolled his eyes and without responding turned around in his chair. He began pressing and turning the dials, muttering random things to himself. 

I go back to eating my chicken sandwich without saying anything. I never liked McDonald's growing up, and I still didn't like it. But it was the only food I got offered. I had slept in late this morning and I couldn't eat breakfast. 

"What if," Zayn dipped a chicken nugget in their honey mustard, "The song went like My mother told me I should go and get some therapy I asked the doctor, 'can you find out what is wrong with me? I don't know why I wanna be with every girl I meet. I can't control it. Yeah, I know it's taking over me. I'm going crazy. Can't contain it. So tell me just what I should do?'" Zayn finishes, going back to eating his chicken nugget like he hadn't came up with a great song. 

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