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[ Evelyn ]

July 11, 2010

Five loud bangs and the shout of my name woke me from my deep sleep, my eyes open up to my ceiling. 

"Evelyn Yard!" The voice I hated yelled my name loudly. 

I rush out of bed, not bothering to put on a robe. I was told last week I had a free day today, and waking me up from my sleep is not my ideal free day. 

I rush to my door and open it, my mind racing with why Simon chose to wake me up. Simon stood looking down at me, frowning. His face was in pure rage and is arms were crossed across his chest. 

"What are you doing?!" He shouted. 

He was quick to push me aside and enter my room. 

"Have you not packed?" He asked after spectating my room. 

"Pack for what?" I asked. I was a little annoyed Simon had come in, snooped around my room, and yelled at me. 

"Your trip with your mum! Harry's been waiting for twenty minutes!" He shouted angrily.

"That's today?" I gasp. Simon makes an obvious look, " You've got five minutes!" He informed, then he stormed out of my room slamming the door shut behind him. 

"Shit!" I whisper. If Simon hadn't woken me up we wouldn't be going to my mums. 

Which I was fine with.

I was quick to change into pink sweatpants and a white sweater. London was usually very cold in the mornings. I, then, raced around my room. I scooped up clothes from each drawer and threw in my make-up. I didn't bother to place my toiletries in separate and organized cases like usual. I shoved some of the granola bars I had underneath my bed, into my book bag. 

I would have to make a pit stop at Target when I arrived. 

Through out my wild packing I was busy brushing my hair, and looking for a mint. I stopped brushing when I needed to get my Adidas on. I threw my brush onto my purple duffle bag and laced up my shoes. 

I knew that this 'vacation' would kill me. 

I jump up after finishing tying my shoes. I grab my duffel bag, book bag, and hairbrush from my bed and race down the stairs. My book bag bounced against my bag as I raced down the stairs. 

By the time I had gotten down there it had been four minutes. 

I quickly run outside and see the black minivan we would be taking parked at the edge of the driveway. Harry was already inside the car, looking down at his phone. The driver was nodding at me as I ran towards the trunk to throw my stuff inside. 

I threw my luggage on top of Harry's black duffel, not bothering to check if he had anything breakable in there. I jump up and slam the trunk door shut. I race to my side of the car and hop in. 

I had done all that in five minutes.

That had to be a world record. 

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