Just Another Day, I Guess

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✰ Bakugo's POV ✰

Shitty hair, already wearing his uniform, sat on the edge of my bed staring at me in silence while I adjusted my annoyingly tight tie. It was pretty obvious that he was confused about earlier, and wanted to talk to me about it. But I wasn't exactly in the mood to have some sort of shitty therapy talk with him, and I doubt I ever would be.

"Oi, stop making freaking googly eyes at me and say something, you damn Shitty Hair!" I looked over my shoulder at him and glared, even though it was obviously forced.
"O-OH! Sorry... it's just that.. well, you know you can talk to me... right?" I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to just drop the subject.

" Shitty hair..."

"YES?!?" He sprung to his feet in anticipation as I opened my desk drawer and pulled out my wallet.

"Is 50$ enough?"

"... Bakubro... are you trying to bribe me?"


Shitty Hair looked at me, genuinely disappointed. "Bakubro... do you really not want to talk about it that badly? I mean- to resort to something so unmanly is just not something I expected from you of all people.."

"Yes. And for the thousandth time, it's None. Of. Your. Business, Okay?!? So HERE!!"
I forcefully shoved two fifty dollar bills in his face "100 dollars for you to drop the subject, GOT IT?"
"...fine.. if you really don't want to talk about it then I'll back off, but just know u can talk to me anytime.. okay?"

"Tch... fine, whatever let's just go" I said as I stomped to class with shitty hair not far behind me.

Once we got to class my ears were instantly overwhelmed with the loud chattering between classmates and the ear grating sound of chairs being dragged across the floor.
So I did the usual, I completely ignored everyone around me, walked to my seat, and covered my ears.

And as usual, a certain idiot with weird ass purple hair tapped my shoulder and pointed in the direction of some of our female classmates while drooling. Disgusting... why can't that loser just leave me alone, or maybe even get an actual life outside of those freaking websites.. Ughh
I ignored him and stared out the window instead, avoiding any and all interactions with people.

I felt a tap on my shoulder again. That damn idiot, doesn't he get that I just want to be left alone?!?

"Uhm, Baku-"
"Shut Up you damn purple shitty hair!!!" I snapped at the voice thinking that it was Mineta, but instantly covered my mouth in shock when seeing that it was actually that brown haired girl... oh yeah, Pink Cheeks...
"S-sorry...." I spoke quietly with an apologetic expression on my face and looked down at my desk in order to avoid any and all eye contact.

" I thought you were someone else.... what did you need?" I looked up just enough to see her head tilt slightly.
"oh... well the whole class is going to watch a movie tonight.. and we wanted to know if you were coming!?"
She smiled at me so brightly that it made my heart ache....
why is she so nice to me....a murderer. If only she knew.. I don't deserve your kindness, so stop it. Before it's too late... I don't want to hurt anyone anymore!!

"Uhmmm... Bakugo? Are you okay??? Your kinda zoning out.."
"O-oh, well... I'm kind of busy tonight so.." She looked down to the floor in disappointment..

"Okay...! That's totally fine, you think you might be able to come next time then?! We're trying to do a class movie night every week!"

She smiled at me again...

I looked down again out of guilt... I wasn't actually busy, I was just making the same obvious excuse that I always used for not joining the class. But the way she smiled so purely... I really didn't want to make people sad... I didn't want to cause any more pain...

"A-actually.... I might be able to come tonight..."
Hearing that, her face instantly lit up with joy and she told me to be in the common space in the dorms at 9:00 sharp before skipping back to her desk to chat with that frog girl.

✰ At Lunch, Ochako's POV ✰

"Hey, Uraraka!! So, is Bakugo going to come this time??" Mina stood at the side of the table in front of me and Tsu, bouncing up and down on her tiptoes while I stared at my food with lazer vision, playing with my chopsticks a little.
I don't understand him at all... one minute he gets all snappy and explosive and the next it's like he's a totally different person...

"Uraraka? Helloooooo?? AH! Your alive!!! So what were you thinking about?? OH, OH, and what did he say?!?"
I looked up from my food and put on a masterfully faked smile.
"At first he said no... but then he changed his mind! So now we'll finally have all 19 of us together for a movie night!!"

Oh well....

"YAYYYYYY!!! This is going to be so much fun!!!!! How much popcorn will we need?!?? OH OH and what about drinks!!? We 100% HAVE to get Fanta!!!!"

"Yeah!! Oh, I know, me and Tsu can go shopping after school to get a whole bunch of snacks for everyone!!!"

"Sounds like a plan, ribbit!"

I'm sure he's Just Fine..

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