Impossible Truth

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✰ ????'s POV ✰

Where am I...?
What just happened??
What are all these flashy lights..?

Wait... I remember now! ... oh no.. I-
I need to hurry and-

What's with all this red stuff....?



      ✰ Detective Tsukauchi's POV ✰

I walked through the front doorway of the Kurishoka General Hospital and went up to the man sitting behind the main desk, who was currently leaning back in his chair, aimlessly scrolling through his phone. "Hello, I'm here to see Dr. Azuma Ken'Ichi?"
He looked up from his phone with a bland expression on his face and pointed towards the seemingly endless hallway to the right.
"He's seeing a patient in room 294. Go to the end of that hall there.. and take the stairs to the 7th floor, it'll be to your left."
... that's a lot of stairs..
"Could you please direct me to the elevator?"
"No, I'm busy. Plus they're all full anyways.." Yeah right, you just can't be bothered, can you?

"...Thank you very much.."

Once I had finally made it past all the stairs I saw an open space with doors leading to a handful of patient rooms, as well as a few chairs, a tiny coffee table, and... I heard a small dinging sound echo throughout the room as the shiny metal doors slid open and a nurse strolled past me.
Hahah, an elevator...

Covered in sweat, and  irritated as heck, I smiled at the nurse as he walked by.
OKAY.. room 294... oh, there it is!
I opened the door to see who I assumed was Dr. Ken'Ichi sitting on a chair across from a boy covered in bandages, lying awake in the hospital bed.
"..Hello, Dr. Ken'Ichi?"
They looked up from their clipboard and frowned at me.
"Yes, that would be me.. he still needs to recover, so it would be best if you didn't bombard him with too many questions..that is all." They pointed towards what looked like a blood stained hero costume, a completely shattered phone, and an AllMight wallet sitting in a pile on a little table while the doctor made a snappy comment about my hairline under their breath.
Wow, what a pleasant character...
"Alrighty then!" I walked over to the table and began to inspect each item.
I tried to turn the phone on, but it was useless, it was shocking that it hadn't completely shattered into pieces yet.
Then I quickly examined the hero costume, not wanting to touch it too much because of all the blood, and finally, I inspected the wallet. The kid had a surprisingly small amount of money on him...
A robbery maybe??
He also had a provisional hero license and student ID for UA's first year hero course. But the weird thing was that I didn't recognize him from the UA sports festival...

I pulled out a few evidence bags and sealed each of the boy's things separately to take back to the police station for more inspections and looked up at him.
"Okay... I have a few questions I'd like to ask you.. first off, can you tell me what you were doing before you appeared at the corner of ______  street 3 days ago?"
He looked up at me with an indescribable expression, while maintaining perfect eye contact. I stared back at the strange boy, somewhat interested in what he might say..
"Well.. I was interning at Endeavor's agency with two of my classmates... and I think- we were getting close to catching up to him, but there was another villain... he had a gun to a cashier in a store nearby... so I left my classmates to go after the villain and..."


"I chased him away, but then he... he shot himself.. right through the heart, and somehow it hurt me instead.."
I nodded "so it was a part of this man's quirk?"
"Yeah... but when he shot himself..I felt an immense amount of pain... and I could hear the voices of people that I knew... but they said.. the same things they had said to me before... a long time ago.. a-and then the next thing I knew I was in the middle of a busy intersection.. a- and..."
His eyes widened and he began to shake a little.
"I thought... I was going to die- there were so many cars.. a- and the blood..."

I shivered at the thought and quickly changed the subject " O- Okay, moving on... *ahem* alright so do you think this villain had any intention of robbing you?? I noticed you didn't have much money in your wallet.."
"Oh, no I just don't like carrying very much cash with me since it weighs me down.."
" just to confirm, you are indeed a first year student of UA's hero course, correct?" I looked at him, trying my best to hide my suspicion.
There's simply no way I wouldn't have noticed someone like him in the sports festival.. so I'll use my quirk to see if he's lying...
"Yes, I am, I'm a student in Class 1-A to be precise."
What the-
He's not lying...

"...Okay, that's all for now, expect to see me again within the next few days for more questioning.. thank you for your time." I turned to Dr. Ken'Ichi who returned my gaze with a lovely glare, and quickly bowed before leaving, and Rushing past the lazy guy at the front desk, on the way back to the nearby police station.

Thoroughly confused, I immediately contacted Principal Nezu, and it was confirmed that this boy was in fact, not part of the 39 Students enrolled in UA's first year hero course.
I was even more suspicious after I had a member of the public safety commission examine the hero license...
She said that although the card itself was completely legit, the person it belonged to was never even a contestant in any of that year's exams.

[✰ A Quick Little Bit Of Side Info ✰]
[both UA and the Public Safety Commission use a secret special (and not to mention expensive) material to make the ID Cards so that they would be able to tell the real and fakes ones apart with ease.]
[✰ Back To The Story ✰]

With the help of a few colleagues, I searched through the Citizenship Database to try and figure out just who this boy really was... only to find something truly shocking..
What the hell is this?!?

✰ Author's Note ✰
Hola! Just wanted to say that from now on I should be able to get back to posting 1 part a week again :)
Also just so you know, both the hospital and the doctor are completely random (including their names), and we're not based off of any real person or place.
Thanks for reading, and see ya next week!


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