Movie Night!

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Kirishima's POV

I dragged an apprehensive Bakugou down the stairs and into the common area where everyone was getting comfortable while Uraraka and Asui carried huge platters of snacks out the kitchen.
Momo was setting the table as Todoroki handed her the beverages, Tokoyami had even set up some of the light projectors from his dorm to give the whole room a super manly and ominous purple glow.

I glanced back at my best buddy and grinned "Woah look at how cool this is Bakubro!!"
"... Yeah, it is.."
Omg... bakubro actually looks a little happy!!! Yes!! He's so manly!!!!

I see Sero sprawled out on one of the couches while Kaminari and Mina were bouncing up and down and waving for us to come sit with them.
"Hey guys, so what are we watching??"
"No idea." I looked at them confused, "huh?"
"Well we decided to let Tokoyami choose the movie but he hasn't told us what he chose yet!"
Uh oh-

Bakugou's POV

I started munching on some popcorn as the opening credits faded into the prologue..

⚠️TW abuse bullying and suicide⚠️

The boy in the film had curly purple hair and bags under his eyes. He was deathly pale and extremely skinny too, with bandages wrapped around his arms and legs. He looked only about 4 years old, and he was playing with another boy the same age.
The boy waved goodbye and skipped back to his house, immediately looking at the clock once he entered with a sudden look of dread on his face.

"I'm Homeee."

He gulped and slowly looked up to see a towering figure, tears started streaming down his face. He screamed apologies over and over as the figure moved closer and closer to the small child.

Class 1A sat in silence.
Chills ran down my spine as I watched in shock..this is what that bird brain chose?!? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???

It cuts to the boy, this time much older and wearing a middle school uniform sitting on the floor being kicked in the gut by a group of students his age, among them was the same boy he had been shown playing with a moment earlier.

This is..

I sat frozen as I watched the oh so familiar events unfold on the screen in front of me, my eyes wide with fear while the memories of what I'd done rushed back to me.

"If I were a worthless waste of space like you I think I'd rather die!! haha look at em, pathetic!!"

After one final kick the boy began coughing out blood, the group laughed nervously and watched
him rise to his feet, staring at the ground with a blank expression. There wasn't an ounce of pain or emotion on his face, even as drops of blood dribbled down his uniform and splattered onto the polished floor of the stairwell.

He pushed past them and slowly climbed up the stairs as the bully's watched in shock.


He pushed open the heavy door to the rooftop..


He walked to the edge, and slipped off his shoes..


Tears formed in my eyes and I began to breathe faster and faster.
"Bakubro?!? Are you okay man??"
Kirishima whispered and the rest of the Bakusquad huddled around me in confusion.

Then right when he was about to jump...

Iida unplugged the TV.

⚠️end of trigger warning⚠️

The class sat in complete silence, all of them staring as tears trickled down my face and I stared in horror at the black screen.

"Bakubro.. hey it's okay man.." kirishima rubbed my back and tried to calm me down.
Mina and Kaminari turned to the rest of the class, "Hey don't stare!! What's wrong with you guys!!? Cmon Bakugou, how about we go to my room?"
"Y- yeah, we don't even have to do anything okay?!"

Looking to the ground in shame and stumbled to my feet, light sniffles echoing around the room. Kirishima and the bakusquad stood behind me hesitantly.
"No.. fuck off."
"B-but Bakubro-" "I SAID LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!"
I stormed out of the common space and up the stairs to my room, slamming the door behind me.

I could see it, the look on his face when I told him to kill himself. That was the moment he had truly died, that was when I killed him.
How do I expect to become a hero when there's so much blood on my hands?? Why should I even bother?? I'm a fucking murderer, a Villain. I don't deserve to live when I'm the reason he's dead. IM THE ONE WHO MURDERED HIM!!

I looked down at my hands in disgust, I could see the blood. Izuku's blood. It was all over me.

⚠️TW self harm⚠️

I glanced in the direction of my bathroom and sauntered to the sink. Next to it was a small counter space and a drawer underneath full of my toiletries and a few cleaning supplies. I reached inside the drawer and pulled out a razor.
I wasn't thinking at all, it was like my body was on autopilot.
My eyes felt dry and lifeless as I stared calmly at the palms of my hands. It wasn't physically there, but I could feel it, the blood.
I remembered that day.
When I saw Izuku's dead body, drowning in his own blood.
How I fell to my knees and begged for forgiveness, how his lifeless face smiled up at me as I sat in the pool of blood with him..
And how that night I had stood at the bathroom sink, emotionlessly washing his blood off my hands.

The blade slowly slicing into my skin, the warm blood pooling in the palm of my hand...the pain.. it was soothing.
I carved into my palm.. spelling out who I truly was..


A/N: sorry for the wait, my motivation has been all over the place lately 😅


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