Testing and Training

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~*A/N yayyy 300 reads 🤠🤠🤠thanks yall!!*~
(Saturday deku's POV, also sorry for the error in last chapter,
this is currently taking place in January and their second year at UA starts in April)

I sat alone in the chilly hospital room staring out the window, watching all the cars and people passing through the intersection, the sidewalks dotted with small piles of snow here and there that hadn't melted yet. I sighed and looked back down at the pile of tests on the coffee table I had pulled next to the bed to lean on.. they looked pretty straight forward, it was the same material I had been taught in class just the other day —I guess they wouldn't know that though. Things seemed exactly the same as they did before, the only difference was that there was this really weird feeling deep inside.. it felt as though someone had wrapped their hands around my heart and was lightly tugging at it every few minutes.
The detective had filled me in on what they thought happened to me and that I'm going to be enrolled in my same class as before at UA in order for me to continue my studies in a way that they can monitor me. The only thing he never told me was what the real me ended up doing with my life if I didn't get to inherit OFA.. I know it's not something I'm supposed to know but I can't help but feel like something is off.
I pushed the thought out of my head and tried to focus on the tests.

I wonder if any of my classmates are different here than the version of them that I know...

Question one... the answer is B.

Kacchans probably his usual attra- oops typo, I meant explosive self.

Basic hero law...

I hope

Gah!! I can't take this anymore I just wanna see everyone again!! Even if they have no idea who I am-

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