Glad you're alive...

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"Hey! Skeppyy! Catch!" Badboyhalo yelled, tossing a fish to his blue friend from where he was standing on the dock. Skeppy smiled, catching the fish and proceeding to drop it into the bucket they shared.

Skeppy and Badboyhalo had been fishing for a while now, and the sun was beginning to set, making the waves obviously more rough. Skeppy grinned at his demon friend, only then realizing how close Bad was to the edge of the dock. As he opened his mouth to speak, he was rudely interrupted by a wave crashing over the rocks next to him, making him jump.

"GAH! Ugh, Jesus Christ! Stupid waves." He groaned, kicking a pebble off the railed platform only to hear the familiar sound of his friend's squeaky laughter. Growling playfully, he turned to face him.

"It isn't funny, Bad!" He yelled, waving a finger. This only earned more squeaky cackles.

"Yehes it ihis, Skeppy!" Bad called back, waving his hand in reply, making Skeppy groan some more, noticing how big the waves next to Bad were, making him a little concerned for Bad's safety.

"Hey, Bad!"


"You might want to come a little closer in!"

"Huh? Like this?" Bad giggled, and playfully began skipping across the dock, further away from his anxious blue friend. Skeppy bit his lip, and began storming towards the demon.

"No, Bad! Seriously, I'm-" Skeppy began, looking to his right only to see a huge wave heading towards the area of dock that Badboyhalo was stood on. Inhaling sharply, he began yelling for Bad to come back, making him cackle more.

"Nah nah na na nah! Just come over yourself, Skeeeppyyyy!" He squealed, bending over to waggle his tongue at his friend, making him more vunerable than ever. 

"Bad! Come back now! Please!"

"Come and get me! Come and get-" The demon began, then suddenly being swept off his feet by the massive wave that had been nearing earlier, making Skeppy scream as the wave took away his best friend.

"AHHHH! BAD! NO!" Acting fast, he threw off his beanie and jumper, and dived into the waves to search for his friend. God, Damnit. Why had this happened now.

"BAAD! BAAAD!" Skeppy cried, gasps escaping his mouth as he struggled to breathe under the brute force of the sea. It seemed all of Mother Nature's forces were against him right now. But never mind that. He needed to find his demon! He was so special...better than anyone else... just as Skeppy began to choke, he saw two red lights in the dark of the ocean. Of course! Bad's horn's light up in the dark. He should know this. Struggling for air, he dived deeper than his limit and grabbed his friend around the waist and dragged him up, paddling back to shore, fighting against the ocean as he went. When the pair got to land, Skeppy went straight to checking Bad all over, performing CPR where he could. Soon, his demon regained consciousness. 

"*Cough* S-skeppy?"

"Oh, Bad!" The blue boy pulled his friend up towards him and wrapped him in a tight hug, causing them both to tumble onto the wet but soft sand of the beach they sat on, listening to the now calmer waves. Gosh, why only now?

"Skeppy...I don't..."
"Shh. Just shush. Don't say a word. Please. It will all be alright. I..I promise."

"But what-"


"Mmm." The two kept one another in a comfortable embrace for a while, Bad soon wrapping his own arms around Skeppy's hips, sinking his head into the other's shoulder. And, without realizing, his tail began to sway, and he made a small noise that caught the blue boy's attention. 

"Bad...are you-"

" you said..." 

Skeppy sighed, letting the night take over his body as he listened to the soft, sweet and unexplainably adorable noise his demon was making.

He was purring.

The Way He PurrsWhere stories live. Discover now