One big mistake...

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Riding back to the SMP, Skeppy gazed at Bad's happy face as they galloped on their horses.

There was a familiar glint of excitement in his eye, and Skeppy knew he was truly happy. It made him smile to see him like this, even if it made Bad look practically irresistible. He sighed as he watched Bad ride, happy he was relaxed now after the incident that had happened earlier in the week. Humming quietly to himself, Skeppy played with the mane of the horse as he rode quietly, catching Bad's attention. Bad wondered why Skeppy was always so quiet, ever since that time at the beach. He sighed to himself; wondering what he could've possibly done to Skeppy. Did he say something? Was it his weird way of showing affection? He didn't understand. It was absurd to him, as Skeppy was always the talkative one.

He didn't know it was the way he made him feel.

"Skeppy?" He said, catching Skeppy by surprise, making him grip the horses reigns anxiously, as he turned his head to face Bad.

"Yeah?" Skeppy laughed, pulling a happy face. This confused Bad quite a bit.

"Are you..okay? You just, I don't a lot more often than now." Bad said shyly, looking down to face his horse, who was still gliding happily across the plains. Hearing Skeppy sigh, he looked up to meet his eyes, noticing how much he was blushing. 

"Huh? Oh, sorry about that Bad! Let's have some fun! C'mon, I'll race you!" Skeppy cackled a little bit too quickly. Giggling wildly to cover up his embarrassment, he spanked the animal that was beneath him, causing it to bray in surprise and pick up it's pace, earning a frustrated gasp from Bad, who picked up the speed of his horse too, calling out as he did so.

"HEY! SKEPPY! SLOW DOWN!!" Bad yelled, earning a crazy cackle from Skeppy. The blue boy didn't know he was going this. Maybe to distract himself from his feelings? He wasn't sure. But one thing he knew was he couldn't stop.



"WHEEEE!" Skeppy jumped over a hole in the grass he came across, still laughing maniacally, suddenly stopping when he heard a noise from behind him. A hurt, sad noise.


Badboyhalo was clutching himself on the grass, a bloody cut engraved across his eye. Skeppy softened immediately, sitting down next to his friend quickly, paying no heed to the horse he had ridden on, or Alberto. The only thing he knew was that this was his fault.

"Oh, no. Bad? Bad, are you okay? Holy shit..."

"Skeppy, language!" Bad crowed, tears stinging his eyes as he moved to trace the cut. But before he could, Skeppy grabbed his hand and stared kindly at him, making Bad blush and turn away. Skeppy chuckled nervously, dropping Bad's hand to the ground.

"If you touch it, it'll sting. Duh, stupid. I'll get a water bucket." He sighed, standing up to tower of the demon; nodding and walking off to find his horse, before being interrupted by Bad. 

"Skeppy, take Alberto. He's closer." He said quietly, lifting a claw to point to his horse. 

"Oh, okay." Skeppy lifted a leg to hop on the horse, smiling at Bad as he did so. 

"Alright, Alberto! MARCH!" Skeppy yelled, startling the horse. Alberto bucked and whinnied, and raced in the direction of a huge...massive....


"AHHH! SKEPPY! NO!" Bad screeched as loud as he could, but it was too late. Rearing out of control, Alberto made one jump too early and fell into the ravine, taking Skeppy with him. Luckily, the blue boy was quick enough to jump of the horse before it crashed, but not save it. 

Alberto was dead.

Stumbling over his feet, Bad dashed over to the ravine and stood next to Skeppy, squeaking with anxiety as the death message popped up. 

'Horse hit the ground too hard'

"Nooo! Skeppy! What did you DO?!" Bad screeched, turning to face Skeppy. The younger noticed how red Bad was, cut still bleeding and tears beginning to stain his face.

"Oh- Bad! I- I'm so sorry! I just-" He stammered, biting his lip. He had never seen his demon pal so angry before. It was...frightening. 


"Bad! I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to, I didn't-"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER! YOU REALLY- YOU- ARGH!" Wiping the blood off his tear-stained face, he opened his wings and flew up into the air, tears burning the grass as he took off. Skeppy didn't know where he was going, but one thing was for certain.

He needed to fix this.

Holy cow!

That was something alright.

Word count: 774

Kay bye 

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