True love! (Last Chapter)

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"Come in everyone!"

It was finally the day of Dream's party, and needless to say, the night was more beautiful than Skeppy and Bad could have ever imagined. 

The lights were hung, the snow was gently falling on their shoulders, and Dream had put up different reindeers, all designed to look like people from the SMP. Giving Ranboo fist bumps for good luck, they held hands and went inside, catching the attention of Tommy.

"Hey! Why are you holding hands?!" Skeppy and Bad giggled to themselves, before Skeppy waved a hand.

"You'll find out later." He cooed, before taking Bad to get some food.

"Holy shit. They are dating."

"Okay, who's gonna make the move? You? Or me?"

Skeppy and Bad were sitting in a small corner, whispering to themselves about who was going to walk under the mistletoe first. 

"Maybe you should go? I mean, people would probably expect you."

"Yeah, but if you went, it would be unexpected!"

Despite their arguing, the couple smiled before nodding their heads at the idea that Bad would walk under it first. They just had to get everyone to watch, otherwise it wouldn't really work.

"Ready Skeppy?"


Bad gave Skeppy one last wink before standing up quickly and slowly padding across the house, saying hi to his friends on the way. He smiled over at Skeppy, who was standing there, ready to run under with him. Luckily, Ranboo was on their side too, and he had made everyone look in their direction. Giggling softly, Bad hopped under the festive plant hanging from the ceiling, making everybody gasp.

"Oh, Bad! You sly dog!"

"Mi Gusta! That kiss is mine, man!" But before Quackity could step forward, Skeppy dashed in front of everyone, giving the thumbs up to Bad.

"Oh no you don't!"


Everybody gasped again, for real this time, as they watched Bad and Skeppy share the most endearing kiss since that one truth or dare that time, when Sapnap had kissed a crab, much to Karl's disappointment.

But this was more important. 




There was a moment of silence when Skeppy had parted with his boyfriend to say that, and he smiled as he watched the news sink into his friends, before they all broke out laughing.

"Aww! I'm so happy for you guys!" Tubbo ran up to Skeppy to hug him, making Ranboo smile fondly.

"Yeah! Aww, wow! So cool!" Puffy yelled.

"I KNEW IT!" Tommy cackled, punching the air, which everyone smiled at.

Seeing Dream come out from the pile of people, Bad and Skeppy dropped to their knees with a giggle.

"Your highness." They said in unison, making Dream giggle slightly. 

"You guys are meant for each other! I wish you the best!" The green man laughed fondly, receiving hugs from both his friends, before pulling apart gently to announce the next activity after the news. 

The gifts!



"Where's Ranboo?"

All the guests had gathered near the couch, but the pair had noticed Tubbo was sitting alone, which was obviously not normal. Standing up, Bad patted Skeppy's head before walking to the bathroom, where he had assumed Ranboo was.

And he was right.

"Ohh...Bad, help! I can't do it!" Badboyhalo had never seen his friend like this, and immediately tried to comfort him. 

"Hey..Ranboo.'s okay! have the ring...right?" 

When Ranboo nodded, Bad chuckled fondly, then patted Ranboo's head softly.

"It's okay. Believe in yourself, Ranboo. Tubbo loves you."

Ranboo's eyes shone, and Bad knew he had done the right thing. Giggling quietly, he gave the hybrid a small push out of the bathroom.


All the SMP members on the couch turned around, some smiling slightly, others staring at Ranboo and Bad with a blank expression, while Tubbo sat giggling quietly.

"C'mon Ranboo, it's gift time!"

As the SMP sat giving and receiving their gifts for each other, Skeppy and Bad sat watching Ranboo and Tubbo exchange presents, waiting for the plan to engage.

And engage it did.


Ranboo's cheeks turned a happily light pink, as he watched Tubbo squeal excitedly, much to the surprise of the Dream SMP, who all turned to look at the bee boy at once. (At the party was Karl, Sapnap, Dream, George, Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo and the others ;))

"R-ranboo?! R-r-really?" Tubbo cried, holding up the ring so everyone could understand what was going on. As tears started to fill his soon-to-be fiancé's eyes, Ranboo knew he had to make his move.

"Yes, Tubbo! Will you marry me?!" He yelled, waiting anxiously for a response.

Then it came.


~Half an hour later~

"Ranboo, you still haven't put me dohohown!" Tubbo giggled, petting his new fiancé's horns gently. 

"I love you too much!" Ranboo yelled, bouncing Tubbo on his shoulders, making him squeal and Bad and Skeppy smile.

"We have to do that too, Bad!"

"Wait- Skeppy no!"

Ignoring Bad's happy squeals, Skeppy hoisted his boyfriend up onto his back, much to the amusement of Tubbo and Ranboo. 

"Hehehey! Skeheppy!  Put me down!"

"I love you too much!"

"Noho!" Skeppy came a little closer to Ranboo, just enough to whisper to Ranboo without his lover hearing. 

"Hey Ranboo?"

"Yeah Skeppy?"

"Does Tubbo purr?"


And that's the end! 


I hope you liked my story! Dreamnotfound ones coming soon~

Two will be starting on the same day! HOORAY!

Word count: 855



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