Not so cold anymore

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The pair sat in silence for a while, as Skeppy listened to the sweet, voluminous noises emitting from the bedraggled demon he was holding in his arms. With him, it wasn't so cold anymore, even though they were both drenched to the core.


"Yeah, Bad?"

"You're so brave...thank you so much for saving me..." Bad mumbled, purrs softening a little, then slowly turning into small sobs, making Skeppy tense.

"I...I just don't know what I would do...w-without you..." He sobbed, earning a small coo from Skeppy, who immediately began to comfort him.

"Hey, Bad, no! Please, don't cry. I love you. I'm here. I'll stay forever. I promise." Skeppy's heart shattered to hear his best friend so frightened. He knew he would always be there, right? He could never let him go again.

"I'm here." Skeppy sighed, just as soft rain began to fall on the pair, making Bad sigh comfortably. Looking up at the sky, Skeppy grumbled quietly and let it rain. He really didn't want to move, as it may disturb the obviously distressed other he was evidently caring for. As Bad purred quietly, so did Skeppy's heartbeat. There was something about Bad that just made him melt. Soften inside. Bad made him feel so special, a feeling that nobody else made him experience. But there was no way it was truly love, right? He couldn't love, love Bad like that. He didn't think it would be approved of at the time. Would Bad even love him back in that way? He had to know.

"Hey...Bad?" He whispered, waiting impatiently for an answer. Calling again, he soon realized that the demon to the side of him had gone to sleep, small snores emitting from his mouth. This only made Skeppy blush a deeper shade of red. God, how could one person be so cute. Watching Bad's tail wag slowly back and forth, he seemed to have completely zoned out when he heard a familiar voice calling his name, and other voices that followed.

"Hey! Skeppy? Baaad? Oh my god, look there they are! SKEPPY! BAD!"

"Shush, Tommy! They look busy!"

"HA! BUSY CUDDLING AND KISSING, MWA MWA MWA!" Tommy giggled, waving his hands in the air to make his bandanna bounce around, receiving a whack to the arm from Tubbo, followed by a 'Be quiet'  from Ranboo. Skeppy raised his head, and sure enough, he saw the three unmistakable figures over the horizon, that were obviously coming closer, frantically waving as they went. 

"Hey guys!" Skeppy mouthed, confusing all the men there at the moment. Besides Bad of course.

"WHY ARE YOU BEING SO QUIET!?" Tommy cackled, earning another whack.

"Because he's fucking sleeping!" Skeppy growled through his teeth, holding Bad closer.

"Why is he so wet?" Tubbo asked, pointing. "Oh, why are you so wet?" He pointed out to Skeppy, making Tommy giggle.

"Because we- I...well..."

"Did you do it dirty with the fishes?"

"TOMMY! FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Tommy doubled over cackling, causing Bad to stir a little.

"Oh no, he doesn't look too well." 

"Yeah, no shit Ranboo." Skeppy said a little meanly. He couldn't help but be a bit stressed, but he did feel a little bad. Ranboo's red and green eyes flashed with hurt, but he quickly ignored the feeling. "We should get him back to L'manburg." He said. "Then you can tell us what happened." Skeppy sighed, knowing it was the best option, then slowly stood up to face the trio that were standing in front of him, heaving Badboyhalo up with him.

"Need any help?"

"N-no, it's good. I got him." Skeppy whispered, smiling down at Bad, making Tubbo and Tommy giggle.

"I ship it."

"I ship it."

"You little sillies." Ranboo laughed fondly, giving both teens a quick tickle to keep them on their toes, then turning back quickly to try to attend to Skeppy wherever he could, immediately being smacked by both teens after he pulled his cheeky stunt.

"Skeppy, let's go further up." Ranboo chuckled, poking his tongue out at the boys behind him.

"Humph! Okay!" Skeppy replied, smiling widely at the demon in his arms, making Ranboo smile too.

"You really like him, huh?" He said, obviously catching Skeppy off guard with the strange question.

"Huh?! What?! No, absolutely not! No!" He yelled, almost dropping Bad in the process. As Ranboo grinned down at him with a goofy smile, Skeppy's face turned into a tomato, and he turned away to smile sweetly at Bad.

"Definitely not..."

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