Something there that wasn't there before...

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It felt a dream. A dream that would all be over soon.

But the best part is, it wasn't. Laying with Bad was all he could ever ask for. Without being traumatized out of his mind this time. Bad had actually said yes to his love, and not just in a friendship way. It was official. They were together.

"It's so warm here with you...babe.." Skeppy giggled, especially when he heard a shallow breath from his new lover, probably from the new pet name. 

"Don't call me that..." He yawned in response, melting inside all the same. 

"I'm gonna have to." The blue boy said, then he heard the familiar sound of Bad purring. It warmed his heart to hear he was happy again, and that he had forgiven his friend. Oh, I guess boyfriend now.

"I was worried at first...y'know, you didn't have the same sexuality as me...heh..." This comment made Bad purr even louder; like it had fully sunken in that he and Skeppy were together. 


"I was waiting to tell you the exact same thing, muffin." Bad chuckled fondly, stroking Skeppy's hair as he said these words. It was great to see his face again, and not by accident. On purpose. Skeppy was so happy with how this turned out, he wasn't even thinking about how they were going to tell the others. When this thought came to pass, he sat up immediately, making Bad grumble with disappointment.

"Skeppy, why did you-"


"Oh, yeah?"

"How are we gonna tell the others?" The blue boy grinned, obviously making Bad sit up with their new problem.

Telling the others. 

"Ack, the others? I never thought about that!" Bad yelled, throwing his hands up into the air.

"ME NEITHER!" Skeppy screamed in reply, and soon both of them had fallen to the grass, giggling wildly. 

How were they going to tell the others? They weren't sure. Maybe they could just laugh it off?

"We could let Santa know first, and then he could tell the whole SMP as a present!" The younger screeched, making his demon lover giggle louder.

"Ohohor, we cohould mahahahake a gihiant sign in thehe middle of the path!" These silly ideas kept coming for a while, and it was nice to properly laugh again, just Skeppy and Bad. But they had to tell the others somehow. Sitting up to dust themselves off, Skeppy looked directly at his lover and smiled. 

"Skeppy and Bad." He said, waiting for the demon to catch on.

"This isn't lore!"

"We have got something here that wasn't here before!" When they finished their song, Bad leaned in for a kiss, earning it immediately. Leaning out, they smiled at each other again, before they began to plan.

"Okay Bad. So, we stay here for the night. On the mountain, y'know? Then, we go down tomorrow and we tell our closest friends. Like, maybe we could tell a6d first, then Puffy?" Skeppy mumbled, counting on his fingers. 

"Ooh, hey! That's a good idea. Let's go for that!" They spent a couple hours through the night planning, and were reasonably satisfied at the end. But even so....

Things didn't go to plan.

~The next morning~

As the sun rose over the horizon, Skeppy sighed happily as he remembered the situation at hand. He had gained a boyfriend, and he was still there with him, purring contentedly in his sleep. The blue man smiled, shaking his lover awake.

"Hmph...Skeppy...?" The demon grumbled, sitting up to look at this boyfriend with tired eyes, Skeppy noticing how visible the cut still was. It was probably going to scar. 

"C'mon Bad. Let's go down to the SMP and tell everybody!" Bad squealed with excitement at these words, giving Skeppy a quick hug before standing up.

Down in the SMP, a6d was writhing with excitement.

"Oh my god, you're really dating?! You've been joking about it for years!!" He yelled, practically dancing over the grass blocks that were keeping him up.

"Well, yeah! We really are, right baby~" Skeppy cooed, flicking Bad's nose.

"Mm....Mhm!" The demon grabbed Skeppy's face and kissed him quickly, just to prove to their friend it was real. a6d squealed wildly. This was news to him.

"But you can't tell anyone else, okay? We're only telling you and Puffy for now. Okay?" This made a6d even more excited.

"Awwww, that makes me feel so special!" Skeppy and Bad giggled, before walking off to tell the others.

Just when it started snowing.

Hey ya'll!

This story is set in December by the way~

Word count: 736

See ya then!

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