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Hanging his head, Skeppy pulled the fake head off his shoulders, just as it started to rain.

Bad had long since flown away home, and Skeppy was left to walk back to their place himself, but he wasn't sure Bad would even let him in. Letting the rain ruin his attire, he listened to the thunder crash all around him. The weather had really turned bad.


Before he was about to leave, he noticed his horse grazing under a tree, trying to sneak out of it's saddle. Feeling pity for the animal, he quickly took the gear off the creature, giving it one final stroke before manning up and letting it go. As he watched it run off into the now setting sun, he couldn't help but feeling sorry for himself. It wasn't actually his fault, right? 

Oh, who was he kidding. 

Of course it was. 

He began the walk home, fighting off any mobs that came close him, stopping by patches of flowers wherever he could find them, as an attempt to heal his friendship with Bad.

Soon it got too dark for Skeppy to see, so he caved in and sat under a tree for the night, watching the stars shift around each other in the sky. 

"Just like how we shift around each other." Skeppy hugged his knees to his chest, sniffling as he watched the sky. He couldn't let it end like this. He couldn't let it happen. He sat there for a moment, fiddling with the roses in his hands, absent-mindedly giving himself a small cut with the thorns, making himself wince slightly. 

"Aw, shit." He hissed, a small part of him expecting Bad to say 'language'.

But he didn't.

Because he wasn't there.

Swallowing his pride, Skeppy opened his phone and turned on his phone light, dusting himself off and preparing to book it home. He had to see Bad if he liked it or not. Skeppy picked up his phone, slightly crumbling when he saw Bad hadn't texted him at all, but that didn't matter. He just had to make sure his demon pal was okay. Taking a deep breath, he put his fake head on and dashed into the rain, screaming as he did so. It helped with his mood a bit, even though he was pretty sure he woke up half the SMP as he ran back to Bad's and his house. This was evident, because shortly after he heard angry shouts from Ranboo and Sapnap, who had been looking after their boyfriends at the time. Still, he ran as fast as he could.

It had been a while, and eventually he slowed down the pace, gasping for air, but a small smile was included with his other features.


Because he had reached Bad's favorite hill. 

It had always been the spot at the top where Bad loved to be, and sometimes he would take his friends up there for quiet chats or picnics, mostly Skeppy above all. And luckily for Skeppy, he could see a small shadow atop the hill, which would obviously be Bad, as the figure had two glowing red lights on top of them, which would be his horns. Creeping up quietly, Skeppy peered over a grass block to see Badboyhalo sniffling by a grave, eyes gleaming in his reflection in the marble of the gravestone he had built for his horse friend, making Skeppy feel guilty again. Calmly and quietly, he walked up to where Bad was standing.

"Hey Bad." The demon jumped at the sudden noise, and turned his head to see a familiar blue face in the dark. He managed a small smile before looking down again; looking down at his dead friend's grave. He sighed, and waved a hand in reply.

"Bad...I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to kill you're horse, I just-" Skeppy was silenced by Bad grabbing his hand, as he looked at Skeppy with a smile.

"I know you didn't. That's why I'm sorry too." Bad whimpered, dropping his umbrella to the ground to pull Skeppy into a hug, which he gladly accepted, making sure he didn't step on the grave.

"I missed you Skeppy....I missed you so much!" Bad yelled, tears pouring down his face. Before Skeppy could stop him, they had both tumbled down together and were now holding each other on the ground as tight as they could, just like the night of the ocean accident.

But this wasn't so scary.

Not when he was with him.

Skeppy knew if he was to ever tell Bad about his feelings, it had to be now. He had realised that.

So it was time to shoot his shot.


"Yeah Skeppy?"

"Well...while we lay here...I wanted to tell you something I've been thinking about for a long time." As soon as Skeppy saw Bad start to blush, he new he had to go for it.

"What is it, Skeppy?"

"Bad...I..." He felt sweat forming on his forehead, and he just couldn't take it anymore. He threw of his blue box head, ignoring how surprised Bad looked, and screamed the words he had wanted to say for a long time.





Two chapters in one day!

Word count: 858

Another chapter tomorrow >:)

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