Ranboo's Plan

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The cold grew greater, but as Skeppy and Bad held each other, they were warmer than ever. Skeppy had never felt so loved in his life, and neither had Bad. That was for sure.

"I think both of us forgot what time of year it is, babe." Skeppy giggled, kissing Bad on the cheek. 

"You're right Skeppy! I forgot it was Christmas time!" The demon laughed in reply, squealing with happiness.

Their original plan seemed pointless now, as what better way to tell everyone about their relationship than at a Christmas party? Lucky for them, Dream was throwing one on the server, and it was due to happen in a few days. Apparently, that was where Ranboo had decided to propose to Tubbo, which made it double the exciting, and double the romantic. So Bad and Skeppy came up with a new plan, which was to help Ranboo make this proposal perfect. 

They had to tell him first.

"Actually, yeah! I expected that. Happy for you guys!"

Skeppy and Bad's jaws dropped. How had he known? Skeppy remembered the question Ranboo had asked him on the beach, and could understand why he got so suspicious. I guess endermen hybrids really do know everything. 

And stress over everything.

"Enough about us, Ranboo! How about you? How do you plan to propose?" Bad asked with a wink, making the poor man crumble in an embarrassed heap.

"I...I want it to be special, guys. He's my baby, he really is! I just-" Softening for the hybrid, Skeppy's mind began to whirr. How could he help Ranboo make this perfect?

"Show him how much you love him. Ooh! How about...you pull him under the mistletoe....and propose there!" The blue boy suggested, shrugging his shoulders, before an even better idea flew into his head.

"WAIT! In the gift exchange, put 'will you marry me' in his present, plus a ring! Sign it from you, too! It's perfect!!" The lovers cheered, louder once they had received Ranboo's opinion and approval, which were positive! The proposal plans were ready, and luckily, Ranboo already had the ring. Giggling amongst themselves, Ranboo sat them down for some tea, and they talked for a while about Skeppy and Bad's dating reveal, and how cute Tubbo is (Obviously Ranboo). Eventually, they had decided Skeppy and Bad would walk under the mistletoe, and the present idea belonged to Ranboo. 

Now it was time to go shopping!

"Alright Skeppy, can you help me fit this?" Bad called, receiving a yes from his lover; who soon came into the changing room with him, leaving Ranboo to browse for suits himself.

"How does this one look? Or this one...black or red...?" Skeppy chuckled fondly, watching his boyfriend mess around with tuxedos he had found.

"The red brings out your horns, Bad! Try that one." Bad nodded, giving Skeppy a quick kiss before watching him leave.

Until later....

"Skeppy, can you help? I'm stuck!" At the time, Skeppy was on the other side of the other side of the store with his hybrid friend, and was luckily the only one that heard him. Rushing across the floor, he dashed into the changing room to see his friend with his arms up, suit over his head. Giggling quietly, he slid his arms up his lover's sides to get him out, only to hear a squeal and honey sweet giggles bloom from the demon's mouth.

"EEK! Skeppy dohohont!" This made Skeppy's heart bulge. He was so cute!

"Oh, are you a little ticklish honey?" He cooed, squeezing his boyfriend's ribs, earning giggly shrieks and cackles. Stopping before he made a scene, he pulled the suit of Bad's head and gave him a wave.

"Oh, look! He's back!" Bad smiled, calling Skeppy a goofball before putting his hoodie back on, smoothing down his hair in the mirror, squeaking slightly when Skeppy flicked his horns playfully.

"Okahay, I get it. You're a tease! Let's go." The pair walked out, immediately being startled by Ranboo who was standing outside the whole time.

Oh shit.

"That was cute." Ranboo chuckled, before pulling his suit over his shoulder, leaving the young lovers to ponder their reputation.

And the party.

Word count: 682



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