The way he makes me feel

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"Ugh....Skeppy, is that you?"

"Yeah, Bad. Do you remember what happened?" The blue boy replied with a smile, making Bad grin.

"Yeah. You saved my life, Skeppy! Thankyou!" He yelled, quickly sitting up from where he was sitting to wrap Skeppy in a hug. It was normal, after all. They hugged each other all the time.

So why did it feel so unnatural? 

Blushing madly, Skeppy gently pulled away from the embrace, making Bad's smile fall a little. As much pain as this made Skeppy experience, he held it together. Bad still clearly didn't know about his feelings for him. That was great.

"Okay, Bad! You seem pretty much good to go!" 

At the time, Skeppy had taken Bad to visit Captain Puffy, who was the doctor for everybody on the SMP. They had examined the demon, and he had seemed fine except for a little shock. What a brave boy.

"Thanks Puffy! Wouldn't want Skeppy to worry to much~" Bad giggled, nudging the still timid man next to him. Unfortunately, the way Skeppy was acting made Puffy a little suspicious, noticing the blush on his face and how he had ever so shyly pulled away from the grasp his demon pal had had in in. Picking some fluff off her horns with a grin, she pointed towards the door with a friendly hoof.

"You guys better get going! I bet the gremlins are worried sick. Bet Tommy burst into tears." She chuckled.


"I'm not a son! And I'm glad you did!" This reaction earned another growl from Tommy, followed by a 'Calm down Toms' from Ranboo and devious cackling from Tubbo. Bad giggled, making grabby hands at Skeppy. Of course Skeppy knew what was going to happen, but he tried to pretend he didn't see them, which was rewarded with another small whimper from the demon. But as much as Skeppy wanted to respond, he couldn't bring himself to do so. He knew he would blush a volcano of red, that would probably make Tommy Ranboo and Tubbo and Puffy all find out about his secret at once and carrying Bad on his back would probably make his feelings stronger and-

"Skeppy? Helloo? Bad wants upsies!" Puffy called, clicking her hoofs together to make Skeppy jump.


"Sorry, brain switched off. I-I'm fine!" Skeppy responded way too quickly, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so, only making Puffy more suspicious. 

"Umm...okay! You uhh....have a good time! Now shoo!" She chuckled fondly, pushing them both out with one flick of her hooves. 

~Outside the building~

The pair walked back to their houses in silence, while usually they were able to talk about anything and everything. But most of the time, Skeppy was always the one to start the conversation. But he wasn't. So Bad stayed quiet.

'Maybe he's doing it on purpose?'

'Did you do something wrong?'

'Dunno... I could ask him.'

'Go for it!'

"Hey...Skeppy?" Bad said quietly, giving his best friend a tap. Which, of course, made him jump. 


"GAH! Uhh...yeah, Bad?" He replied, tapping his fingers together. Why couldn't he talk anymore? It was like when they used to play Scrabble...and Bad would always win because Skeppy couldn't spell tarantula...or photographer...or-

"Have I...have I done anything? know....made you mad?" The demon whimpered, tail barely wagging at all, making Skeppy guilty as all fuck. 

"Huh? What? No! No?! Not at all, haha! Don't you worry about anything!" He said quickly, realizing he was blushing again, then slowly proceeded to brush it away while babbling aimlessly as to comfort him, noticing it was doing absolutely zilch for his case.

"Have I...hurt you? With words? Actions?? Holy muffin, Skeppy, please tell me what I did?" Bad pleaded, striking pain into Skeppy's heart. How could he have let this happen? Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looked down at the ground, knowing what he had to say.

'Say it Skeppy.'

'You have to. He's devastated.'

'Say it.'

"'s not the way you act...Bad...." He mumbled, stumbling over some rocks before regaining his posture. Which wasn't very significant.

"Then...what is it, Skeppy?"







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