A friend we call Roberto!

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Over the next couple days, Bad's condition had long since improved, and Skeppy was more of a mess than ever. His feelings were all over the place, not to mention how he talked. A normal conversation would go like this:

"Hey Skeppy!"

"GAH! Ah- Oh....Uhh..Heh..H-hi...B-bad.."

"How are you?"

"Oh! M-me? I...I'm fine!- How about..y-you?" 

"Why are you stuttering, Skeppy? Oh, how am I? I'm good, thankyou! You're so sweet!" At that point of the conversation, Skeppy would either be a blushing mountain or a shy ass cave. And that was an understatement. He just wanted to dig a hole and hide himself, which sometimes he did do, when Bad was being especially adorable and he wanted to disappear. Today, he and Bad had ventured out into the forest to try find a dog for Skeppy, as he kept on magically losing his. It was Bad's idea, of course, as Skeppy was too much of a mess to say anything at all. Letting Bad take his hand absent-mindedly, Skeppy fell over his own feet as Bad skipped into the woods, stammering as they went.

"C'mon, Skeppy! Hurry up!" He giggled, bringing Skeppy up to the ground again from where he was sitting.

"Hah! You're like Little Red Riding Hood, Bad." Skeppy cackled, earning a mock-gasp from Bad, who let go of his hand and let Skeppy drop to the ground with a thud, making both men burst out laughing. It was nice to get to experience this again. You know, without falling to the floor in an embarrassed heap. 

"Hehe, good one Skeheppy." Bad giggled, wiping a tear from his eye before standing up, offering a claw as an aid. Taking it lightly, Skeppy hoisted himself up and brushed the dirt of his box head, making Bad sigh a little.

"Why do you always wear that around me? It's okay, Skeppy. I'm your best friend I think." He said quietly, making Skeppy feel a little bit guilty. Pulling at his hoodie strings for a moment, Bad quickly started walking again, automatically making Skeppy follow. Seeing it would be awkward if he didn't say anything, he started to speak.

"So, how many bones to you have?"

"Oh, me! Just wait...I have 6!" Bad smiled back, waving a hand in Skeppy's direction, which was followed up by a irrationally high-pitched squeal of joy, making Skeppy almost fall over with surprise.




"Argh! Bad, calm down! What is it?" Skeppy groaned, smiling slightly ever still. Even when he was annoying, he was still so cute.

"HORSES! SKEPPY, LOOK! OVER THEREE!" Bad yelled, frantically waving a claw over at a lush, green, empty open field filled with all sorts of wildlife, in which stood a gallop of horses drinking by a lake. Saying nothing to nobody, Bad latched onto Skeppy's hand and practically dragged him over to the horses, ignoring his protests.

"Skeppy, awwww! Wow! They are sooo cute!" Bad giggled, petting a horse's nose with care, making Skeppy goofily smile. Bad was so sweet with animals, it was unbearable. 

"Wow, yeah. You're right, Bad!" Skeppy chuckled, softly petting a rabbit he had kneeled down to find, melting internally when he heard honey sweet giggles coming from his demon friend. Skeppy turned around, seeing Bad had tamed the horse, and was now sitting on top of it, kicking his legs back and forth with an adorable grin on his face. Skeppy grinned, giving a small thumbs up to Bad, then looking up to see a horse towering over him, dribbling contentedly on his head, making Bad cackle wildly from behind Skeppy. Skeppy sighed, but still he swallowed his pride and gently pushed the horse away, making it grumble, and Bad whine slightly.

"Aww, Skeppy! Why won't you keep it?" He mumbled, crossing his arms with mock-frustration.

"Ugh...okay Bad. For you, I'll keep the horse." Skeppy grumbled, at least giggling quietly at the happy squeal Bad gave, and the nudge he received from his horse.

"C'mon boy. Or girl. I don't know." Skeppy cooed, grabbing the horse's muzzle lightly, swinging his leg up onto the animal, holding his grudge when it resisted.

"Yay! Well done Skeppy, you're on! Here, have a saddle!" Bad cheered, opening his inventory. He took out a brown leather saddle, throwing it to Skeppy with a grin. Catching it in his grasp, Skeppy equipped the saddle to his new found friend, thanking Bad has he did so.

"Wow, Yay! So cool!" Bad giggled, stroking his horse with compassion, making Skeppy's heart melt. This was too cute to bare. Looking around him, Skeppy noticed how many animals looked happy together, birds with their babies, and cows with their calves. He sighed, looking down at the animal he was seated on, and watched it's movements, as it nuzzled noses with Bad's horse.

He wished they could do that.

"Hey?? Skeeeppyyyy!" Bad yelled, waving his hands in the air, snapping Skeppy out of his daydream.

A daydream of love.

"Huh? Oh, what is it, Bad?" Skeppy asked, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.

"What are you gonna name yours?" Bad giggled, patting his horse tenderly, earning a small blush from his blue friend.

"Oh..m-me? I....I dunno. How about you?" He stammered, making Bad a little suspicious. But he continued even so. 

"My horse's name?" Bad asked.


"He's a friend I call Roberto!"


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