||20k Special!||

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(If you're wondering why this is in a form of a chapter, I decided there was more space to do a chapter I always wanted to do, and I decided to use that idea as the 20k special with a chapter that answers your questions!)


"Pardon me?" U.N asked, a bit dumbfounded, with hints of confusion in his voice. He smiled awkwardly, and clasped his hands together as he laid them on top of the table. "You-You want to hold a paintball battle? B-But why?" The organization asked, as he slightly tilted his head. He found absolutely no reason for them to be doing this, but, he didn't want to judge their decision. "Listen, U.N, we're doing this for a totally charitable reason that will not ruin the bond of the countries with each other!" America said, trying to convince the organization, but it was useless. His sarcastic voice gave it off.

"Mhm." NATO said cynically, looking at America in dissapointment. "And, why should we change the city into ruins, exactly?" E.U asked, as he lifted a piece of paper that laid on the long round table. That piece of paper, was the countries' suggestion for a paintball battle. "Alright, who wrote that?" Britain asked in a stern tone, as he looked back at the countries. "Well, uh, I thought it was interesting..?" China said, as he raised a brow. Then, the other countries nodded their head.

"He has a point."

"I think it's a good idea!"

"That does make things more interesting holy-"

"Okay, just one question." ASEAN asked, looking at the countries that sat in front of them. "Can I jo-"

"And ignore your paperwork? I don't think that's a good idea." NATO said, cutting him off as he crossed his arms. ASEAN let out a dissappointed sigh, and nodded his head. "Wait, I thought there was someone after the countries. What if they use this opportunity to kill them using a gun or something?" NATO asked, as he looked over to U.N, who was just smiling at him. "Well, I'm sure they won't be killed because their plot armor is really strong right now! In fact, they're invincible right now! Am I right, guys?" U.N said, before he looked right at you with a smile on his face.

"Wait hold on-", Germany said, before he got cut off by the writer.


Y/n slowly lifted herself from her bed, checking her arms. "That injury last night really hurt..." Y/n said, as she looked closer at her wrapped wound. As long as someone was after the countries, she couldn't leave. Not now that the countries could die, and they can't come back to life. She got off her bed, and stretched her arms a bit, being careful not to open her wound. She opened the door, to meet eyes with South Korea. "좋은 아침, Y/n!" (Good morning, Y/n!) South Korea said in a cheery voice as he looked at the female with a childish look on his face.

Y/n gave him a small smile. "Good morning to you as well, South." She said, as she closed the door to her room and started walking with South Korea in the hallways. His hallways were white, with the occasional paintings here and there. There were also some music discs framed and hung on the wall. The two went down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen. The kitchen wasn't much, in fact, it was pretty minimalistic for someone like South Korea. He had the whole table set up, and it was filled with food that Y/n herself couldn't recognize. But, it was considerable since she didn't really learn a lot about the country's food and culture.

The two sat down, and started to eat their food.

~~~~~~~~m e a n w h i l e~~~~~~~~

The four organizations stood on the balcony of the building as they looked down on the city they've created. "Alright, so, should we?" E.U asked, as he looked over at the three other organizations. "Yeah, sure." ASEAN said in reply to E.U, who eventually looked over to U.N and NATO to see them nodding their heads. The organizations closed their eyes and did their job, and as they opened their eyes once more, the whole city was...a forest? "Hold on, wasn't this supposed to turn into ruins?" E.U said, as he flashed a questionable look on his face to the others. Or more specifically, U.N.

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