Chapter 27

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America said, bursting the door open. "America!" I said in surprise. I don't what him to be here. This was going be so awkward. He leaned close to me, as he examined my face, then he let out a relieved sigh. "Thank God you look alright." Oh God, don't get too close please. I know you like me, but please, keep it to yourself! I don't need your love! "Yeah, I am!" I said, before letting out a chuckle.

"I'm telling you! She looks way different than before!" A voice from the hallways said. It sounded like China. "Different? What do you mean?!" Another voice said, annoyed. It sounded like Russia. Oh no..Russia's here too?! "Alright, the first time I saw her, she looked like crap. She looked like she threw up 6 kittens after eating their mother! All while she looked like she lived in a dumpster. But now, she looks really...really..cute." China said, in disbelief of his own words. China, no... don't join them! "But, even when you first look at Y/n, she's a really beautiful person!" Russia said in an admiring tone. As much as I agree with the fact I look ugly, I kind of liked what Russia said. They eventually went inside the room, and as China made eye contact with me, he pointed at me like I was an alien.

"THERE! IT'S THAT DAMN FACE! THAT DAMN CUTE FACE!-" China said, but before he could say anything else, Britain came sliding in the room. "Y/n!" He said, as he cupped my cheeks. This, this was a touchy one. They truly are related. "Britain!" I said, putting a shocked look on my face. "Dad! Don't touch her like that!" America said, obviously jealous of his own dad. These two are starting to annoy me. Russia walked near me with a smile on his face. At least his crush on me wasn't that obvious. "Hey Y/n. How are you?" Britain walked away, and Russia sat next to me. "It's been a few days since I was hospitalized, but I'm fine now." I replied. He nodded his head. "Good for you." Russia said, as he put his hands on his pockets.

"How's therapy going for you?" I asked, as I fiddled with my fingers. "It's actually going really well. I'm taking some antidepressants, and I guess I'm getting better." He said as he gave me a sweet smile. I smiled sweetly at him. "I'm happy for you." I said as I looked away. "And I'm sorry. I realized that I probably said some insensitive things to you. Or not. To be honest, there were sometimes I told myself that we all had it hard and you were just being dramatic. And I've changed my opinion on that. I have no idea about what you're going through. What I'm saying is that, I want you to know if you need someone to talk to I'm right here." I said, as I turned to meet his surprised face. "You don't need to forgive me, or anything! I-I just wan-!" Before I could finish my sentence, he gave me a hug, to which I replied with a hug back.

"It's fine. You did care later on, right...?" He said, with a hesitant tone in his voice around the last part. "I did." I said, as we let go of each other. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I did. And it feels really warm on the inside. Then, France came in with a huge plastic bag filled with pastries. "Y/N!" He said, as he rushed to me and laid the pastries on my legs. I swore I could've heard one of them chuckle. "Have my pastries! I worked hard on it!" He exclaimed, as he gave me a huge hug. "Mon chéri, I'm sorry.." He whispered to me. He had a crush on me too, huh? What? The whole gang's here?

And, why am I just letting France call me darling?! "It's not your fault! I'm just reckless with my body!" I said, as I tried to slightly push him away. He let go, and stared at me dead in the eye. "You're right! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! Take care of yourself more!" He said, pointing at me as he stood up in a heroic pose. I chuckled, and slightly shook my head. I'm surrounded by freaks. The good kind of freaks. Then, Ukraine and Poland came in. "Y/n! It's good to see you're feeling better now!" Ukraine said, as he walked towards me holding a flower crown. When he got near me, he put it on my head, and smiled. "Thank you!" I said, as I held the flower crown on top of my head.

Poland gave me some poppy seed cake, to which I accepted wholeheartedly. I loved food. But despite liking it, I never really ate much. But, now that I'm here, I'm being given it. Then, Italy and Germany came in the room. Germany approached me, and gave me a glare. "You idiot. You shouldn't have gotten yourself in that kind of situation." He said coldly as he looked away. So, he's changed, huh? "Sorry! If I didn't, they could've killed China!" I said, as I reasoned with him. China nodded his head frantically. "Germany, calm down! Atleast she's still alive." China said calmly. Germany glared at him. Italy just crouched and creeped up next to me, and smiled.

"There was too much tension above me." He said jokingly. I gave him a slight chuckle, A bit creeped out but I'm guessing he didn't suspect. Welp, I guess everyone in this room has either a crush on me, or a mild attraction. I'm dead. With this much countries after me, it seems like I've truly kept my enemies closer than my friends. If I had any. "Hey guys, maybe you should keep it down." A country said as they leaned on the door frame. "Greenland!" America said, as he looked at the country. "Yeah, hey. Antartica's sleeping so keep it down here." He said, as he walked away.

Antartica? He exists here?


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