Chapter 15

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Dang it.

Once the lights turned on, I quickly went in the kitchen, and grabbed a knife. I kept the umbrella by my side to act as defense. Then, I went upstairs. Might as well take action since they know I'm here. Once I got upstairs, an alarm was ringing. I started running, and checking all the rooms, but while I was checking on one of the rooms, I heard glass shatter from the end of the hallway.

I quickly went to check on it, and saw a figure running away. "Dang it! I was too...." Before I could finish my sentence, metal started going down from the doors, to the windows. I looked around, surprised, and decided to rush back downstairs. Then, the door opened. I stopped, and looked awkwardly to the side.


"Du schlam-"(You bitc-)

"Achte auf deine sprache." (Watch your language.)

I said, as I faced my body towards him. "Long story short, someone broke into your house." I said, smiling. I don't know if I was proud of what I did or not, honestly. But, if there was one thing I could've been proud of, it was probably if I did catch the culprit. Today could've went better.

"You?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows. I shook my head, then, I realized what I did, which turned into a mix of nodding, and shaking my head. "No. What I mean is that, someone broke into the house, and I went in to sto-"

Before I could continue my sentence, Germany was dragging me to his car. He had a pretty tight grip on my arm, which....started to bleed. Not another one... "Germany, take your hand off me, now." I said, trying to pull away. He did, but he did it pretty harshly. And by harshly, I mean he threw me inside the car. Germany has no respect for women.

I rolled my eyes as he threw me a gauze, and I wrapped my wound. He was cold to me, so that means I could be cold to him too. Equality. I threw him the gauze while he was driving, and soon after, he started shouting at me, telling me why I shouldn't throw stuff at people driving. In German. Of course, there was a few curse words he threw in too. And the additional road rage. But, I was just scrolling through my phone and rolling my eyes.

"I'm gonna fix the window tommorow, alright!?" I said, irritated at his speaking. "I'll also help you with your workload so you can rest. Take a vacation or something. I'm a fast worker so it'll be done by tommorow." I added. I was pretty annoyed by his endless speaking. So I decided to help him in exchange for his mouth to shut up. Seriously. Was he a nagging mother, or something?

"What is this, a joke?" He said, grumbling as he accelerated the car. "I don't know, wanna find out?" I said, taunting him. But, he only sped up more. And after that, we both decided to shut up. I crossed my arms, and scoffed at him. Annoying guy. Once we arrived at the meeting, he went back inside, but he looked scared now. I stayed outside, mostly because I didn't want anyone to see me. Especially with blood on my sleeve.

"Germany, what took you so long? We wasted half our time waiting for you!" One of the countries angrily said.

"Sorry about that. Just a small problem. I-I'll continue." He said, a bit shaky. I get it. He was in a bad mood because I disturbed him. He worked hard on his report but I wasted his efforts. I know that feeling. But I treated him so badly. Ugh. I grumbled, and sighed. Maybe I should've known. I shouldn't have been so hasty. I waited for the meeting to finish, but eventually, I grew tired, and left. I wasn't planning on staying here any longer.

I had already made it outside, and to my luck, I guess, it was raining. I left the knife in the car, but kept the umbrella. I opened it up, and heard the noise one would hear when rain is falling on their umbrella. I loved the rain. One can hide many things in the rain. If I let the rain fall on me and cry, no one would know I was crying. With the rain, I can hide my sadness. I can cry with the rain. I smiled, and walked around the town. The lights seemed like a blur as I looked down on a puddle.

But it was beautiful. Before I knew it, the meeting had already finished. Poland and Ukraine had come looking for me, and we all went home together.

Tommorow had come, and I was set to go to Germany next. I bid goodbye to the two, and walked off to Germany. Whatever was going to happen today, I was sure to be ready.

I'm not ready. I repeated to myself as I panicked while my body paced back and forth. What was I supposed to say? Sorry for breaking your window? Sorry for activating your security system? I bought a new window for you? Then, the door creaked open. I stopped in my footsteps, and smiled awkwardly. I faced him, and waved, as I lifted up materials for a new window. "I bought you a new window."

"And you're fixing it." He said, as he smiled sadistically. But I smiled the same way back at him. "And I'll torture you with relaxation and everything else until you start procrastinating when you work." I said as I winked at him. He looked at me in a weird way, but shrugged it off. I went in the house with the supplies, and put the umbrella back in it's rightful place. "We were all put under house arrest, so don't expect a treat in the mall from me anytime soon." He said, as he went upstairs, holding his neck.

"Sure. I never expected anything from you anyways." I said, following him.


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