Chapter 31

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"I put your things in your room! So you can rest for a while in the living room." South Korea said, going down from the second floor as he pointed up with a huge smile on his face. I squinted my eyes. I still can't believe the total personality change he just had. But he didn't seem bipolar. I nodded my head, as I flashed him a grin. He giggled and rushed down. He put his earphones on, and started singing some Korean songs.

I slowly sat down on the couch, and...did nothing. It was such an eerie feeling. Doing nothing. I felt like I should do something. I looked over to South Korea, who was in the kitchen doing whatever. He was humming now, while dancing. "What a celebrity." I said to myself, as I chuckled. I decided to turn on the television, but I didn't know where the remote was. I stood up, and started looking for it. South Korea rushed into the room with gloves that had red on them. "Y/n! You're looking for the remote, are you..?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit suspicious. I nodded my head in response to his question, and he chuckled.

"Well, the thing is, uh.." He said, trailing off. "What?" I asked, nearing his face. He reeked of fermented vegetable. He blushed, and quickly pushed me away using his gloves, leaving a stain on my clothes. "OH MY GOD Y/N 죄송 해요!" (I'M SORRY!) I shook my hands. "N-no! I can just change! I-I'll go-" I tried to continue, but South Korea seemed too busy panicking to listen to me. He took his gloves off and pulled me to him, his face nearing mine. He was wiping off the stain using his hands. "That's not going to work-" I said, before he cut me off by putting a finger on my lips. "Let me." I blushed, standing frozen.

Then, he realized what he did, and blushed as well. "J-just undress." He said, looking away. "I'm sorry, what?!" I said with shock in my voice, unknowingly hugging myself as I backed away. "N-no! I-I mean, go upstairs and change! I'll wash your clothes!" He said, looking at me as he turned beet red. I slowly nodded my head. "But, where's my room..?" I said, tilting my head. He held my hand and pulled me towards my room. He pointed at it, looking away. "Here. Just, don't forget to give it to me, alright?!" He said, rushing back downstairs. I clicked my tongue, as I was going inside my room.

It looked really minimalistic. There was a small bed, a window in front of me, paintings around the room, and clean, white walls. I quickly changed into {insert choice of shirt here} and sat down on my bed. My mind flashed back to America and Italy. How did that happen..? Well, obviously, that girl went in and attacked them, but why did she spare them..? I stood back up, and opened my room's door, to see South Korea standing in front of it. "Hey Y/n! Um, I know you just came back from the hospital but, do you want to come with me..? I heard America was in an accident with Italy, and I wanted to see how they were doing!" He said, smiling, but there was a bit of sadness in his voice.

I nodded my head, and followed him outside. "I think I just want to walk there today." He said, stretching. All I could hear was that small hint of sadness. It felt off. Especially coming from the likes of someone as cheery as South Korea. "Oh right, you're clothes are just in your room, right? I'll go wash them later." He said, showing me a smile that seemed force. "I appreciate the effort, but, maybe you should look after America." I said, as I started walking away from him. He followed me, and looked at me with a concerned look on his face. "But, it's my fault that your clothes got dirty." He said, looking away.

"It's not like it'll stay there forever, South Korea. I can wash them by myself. You should go watch over America, and, maybe cry for a while. No one's planning on watching you." I said, walking faster. I guess I blurted words out my mouth again. But, I think he needed it. It's okay to be sad. Don't keep it all inside. "You might just end up being another Russia." I mumbled to myself, but he didn't seem to hear. I doubt he even moved from his spot after I said that.

I looked back, and saw him looking at me surprised. "Well, don't be left behind. It's dangerous for you guys to be left alone nowadays." I said, smiling at him before I walked away. He slowly walked to me, and looked down. I guess I hit the spot. "I-I won't cry!" He said, laughing uncomfortably. Geez, I wonder how many of these countries have bottled up feelings. "Oh really now? Well, why do you have that gloomy look on your face?" I said, raising an eyebrow as I looked at his sad face. "What-? Pfft, I'm fine!" He said, waving his hand. "I wish you were." I teasingly said, as I smiled at him, then, a truck started beeping loudly not far from me and South Korea.

"Traffic exists here..?" I said, a bit if surprise in my voice. "Well, yeah. After all, this might be a new world to you, but we still function like a normal city. There'd be traffic, road rage, and everything else you'd usually see in a city." He explained. Although I already kind of knew, I just needed some confirmation. I nodded my head, and looked away from each other. But, the beeping just got louder.

And louder.

And louder.

"They're really not planning to move are they?" South Korea said, stopping in his tracks. I looked back at him and nodded. "Well, yeah, I guess." Then, before I knew, the truck had reached us, and took a turn, aiming towards South Korea. I rushed towards him, and pushed him far away from where the truck was going to hit.

(Uhh...I'm sorry for the bad writing-
Online classes had started two weeks ago, and I tried to fit in writing this chapter at those times, but it just didn't fit-

Anyways, I made this with the vacant time I have now, in a hurry because of dread looming over my body, and I am really sorry if it sucked. Anyways, have a good day today, or, I hope you guys had a good day today! Bye!)

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