Chapter 6

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As I reached the first floor, Britain was already cooking the food. The table already had tea on it, so he must have prepared it first before he cooked the food. "Is this black tea?" I asked, as I grabbed the cup, and looked at it. It wasn't that dark, and it looked like it had milk and sugar put into it. Britain looked at me, and smiled. "Y/n! Here you are." He said in surprise. "Yes, that is black tea. Or more commonly known as, English breakfast tea." He continued as he looked back at what he was cooking. I sat on my seat and waited for Britain to finish cooking.

At this point, he looked just like your normal, everyday father. It was kind of hard to believe Britain doing all that. I eventually grew uncomfortable thinking about it. But, I couldn't move. The world seemed blurry, and I couldn't seem to hear. It feels as if, I saw this before. That dream I had was weird too..

"I'm so excited to eat what you cooked again!" A female voice happily said, as it went near the smell of bacon.

"Do you really like my cooking?" A male voice asked, as it looked at the female with a smile that shone as bright as the sun. The female profusely nodded her head, as she observed the male cooking food.

"Well, you have to cook tommorow though. I can't always cook the food." The male said teasingly, but the female believed his words. "I know. That's why I'll do my best!" The female said encouragingly. The male blushed, and looked away.

"Y/n? Y/n?"


I said, snapping out of it. I quickly looked around the room, to meet eyes with the British country. He looked worried.

"You seem to have dozed off." Britain said, as he smiled at me while he went back to his seat. "I did? Oh.." I said awkwardly as I scratched the back of my neck. He chuckled. "You're really like her.." Her? But there are no females here...right? "I'm sorry, who?" He smiled at me. "You remind me of my first love." I tilted my head. "France?" But, he shook his head. He's right. It's not France. France is a man. He's talking about a girl.

"Anyways, eat up. I wouldn't want you getting hungry." He happily said, as he 
pushed to me my plate, with the typical English full breakfast on it. Sausages, bacon, tomatoes, and a lot else. This was one of the few times I was able to eat a breakfast this big. I smiled, and digged in. He looked happy watching me eat. Britain was just sipping on his tea while he looked at me. Weird. I looked at him, as I put down my fork, and he quickly looked away, eating his own breakfast.

Do I really remind him of his first love? I chuckled, and went back to eating. He doesn't remember that I knocked him out, right?

"Do you have anyone you miss?" Britain suddenly asked, as he rested his head on his hand. I looked at him and tilted my head, thinking. I didn't really miss anyone, in particular. For what I know, all the people I meet are either fake, or maniacs. Just varies from time to time. But, I nodded my head anyways to keep up the act. "My parents." I simply said, shoving some baked beans into my mouth. The truth was, I didn't miss my parents. I'm not sure if I even had any. All I had was that mental asylum I used to live in.

"Liar." He said in a cheeky manner. I looked at him in surprise. How did he-

"I've known people long enough to tell if they're lying or not." I looked down, in shame, and sighed. "You're right. I never really miss anyone. All the people I know hate me." I sadly said, playing around with my food. "I don't hate you. America doesn't hate you. Nobody seems to hate you here." He said as he sipped on his tea. This time in an angry manner, like, I offended him. "Well, thanks for not hating me." I said awkwardly, but in a happy manner, as I continued eating my breakfast. He smiled at me, and continued to drink his tea.

Later on, we eventually finished eating and had already cleaned ourselves up. I was outside, looking at the flowers outside Britain's house. His tea leaves were healthy, but his other plants weren't. It looked just like when I got here. Untouched. I decided to water it. I went to the backyard, and looked for a watering can. Once I found it, I quickly filled it up with water, and watered the plants. At least they looked a bit healthy now. I smiled, and put the watering can down, looking at the flowers.

Then, I heard shoes clacking on the stairs. I looked back to see Britain. I smiled as he approached me. But, his smile faded once he saw the plants I just watered. He kneeled down to take a closer look, and I kept my distance. "Why did you water these...?" He asked. His voice seemed a bit, unusual. "Because it looked unhealthy." I said as I looked at the flowers with him. "Oh, really?" He said, as he grabbed my hand. I quickly blushed, and slightly pulled away.

He looked at my hand, and sighed. "You used the old watering can. It's dirty now." He said, letting go of my hand. "Really?" I said in surprise. "So is your hand. Please go wash it." He said, as he went inside the mansion. I looked back at it and sighed, going inside the mansion after him. As I reached for the door knob, Britain opened it for me. "Please don't get your germs all over the doorknob." I smiled and nodded my head, slowly making my way to the kitchen faucet.

Britain opened the faucet for me, and quickly went away. I washed my hands, and closed the faucet. I dried my hands, and sat on the living room. Eventually, someone knocked on the door. I stood up, and answered it. It was France.

"France?" I said, shock in my voice. Britain stormed into the living room, and quickly put me behind him. "Britain." France said bitterly. Britain gritted his teeth and glared at him for a while.

"Come in."


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