Chapter 3: Whats My Name.

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No One's Pov

On The Isle of the Lost a lone boy dressed like a pirate in a long red leather coat walks through the marketplace as everyone watches him nervously and full of fear.

He eventually makes his way to the docks with a restaurant called 'Ursula's Fish and Chips'.

Before entering the restaurant he stops to admire some of the fish a girl had caught off the dock.

He takes the fish with a grin as he enters the restaurant as he takes his sword out and leaves in a barrel labeled 'Sword Rack.' as he then gave the fish he stole to a waitress who was walking by him as he made his way to the bar which was full of pirates he then climbed over the bar table to the other side and he turned on the TV that was mounted on the wall.

Then a girl in a pirate outfit and long blue braided hair walks in from the back and throws a tray she was carrying on the table in front of the boy.

She then took some food from the tray and threw it at the TV angrily as it was a news report on Mal.

"Traitor." The boy yelled at the TV as he did the same thing.

"Hello!!!" The girl asked aggressively annoyed at everyone in the restaurant.

Then the whole restaurant started to throw their food at the TV.

"Oh I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces." the boy said.

Then the girl slaps the shoulder of a boy then to her. "Gil, you want to stop choking down yokes and get with the program."

Then Gil, a rather muscular boy then looked up from his tray as he swallowed his food as he turned to look at her. "Yeah what they said."

"That little traitor who left us in the dirt." The girl growled.

"Who turned her back on evil." The boy in the red leather coat added.

"Who said you weren't too big or bad enough to be in her gang." Gil said as everyone turned to him as he continued. " Back when we were kids.... come on, you guys remember she called her shrimpy and the name just kinda of--."

Gil trailed off as both the girl and the boy glared at him but despite the looks they gave him he finished his statement."Stuck."

Then the girl growled in anger. "That slimy little witch who grabbed everything she wanted and left me with nothing."

Gil looked confused. "No, she left you that sandbox and said you can have all the shrim--"

"I need you to stop talking." the girl snapped as she cut Gil off.

The boy in the red leather jacket rolled his eyes. "Look, we have her turf now. They can stay in boaruadon and--."

"Harry, that's her turf now and I want it too.We shouldn't not be getting her leftovers." the girl snapped as she grabbed the two boys and brought them closer to her. "Son of Hook, Son of Gaston and me most of all daughter of Ursula!"

She then turned to Harry. "What's my name?"

Harry then got on his knees and took his hat off "Uma."

Uma turned to Gil and asked him the same question as he looked at her confused. "Uma?"

"What's my Name!?" Uma asked the whole restaurant.

"Uma!" Everyone responded as Uma began to sing.

🎶This is all hands on deck
Calling out to lost boys and girls
I'm gettin' tired of the disrespect
We won't stop 'til we rule the world!🎶

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