Chapter 8: The Face Off

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No One's Pov

In Ursula's Fish and Chips shop Uma was bored and annoyed as she tossed a couple of customer's trays in front of them.

"Hey I wanted the fried clams." An old lady said as Uma scowled at her.

"And I wanted a sea pony, Life ain't fair!" Uma snapped at the customer as Mal enter the shop which caught Uma's attention.

"I'm back." Mal sing-songed as Uma gave her a disappointing look on her face.

"Loser party of one, right this way please." Uma sneered as she motions Mal to sit down at a nearby table.

Uma tossed Mal a chair as she chuckled and Mal turned the seat around and sat down at the table looking over her surroundings as she looked back at Uma.

"Place still stinks." Mal said as Uma crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry we're down a butler today princess." Uma jeered.

"Where is he?" Mal asked, referring to Ben.

"You know I dream of this." Uma chuckled."You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." 

"I'm flattered you still dream of me, I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal retorted as Uma slammed down her hands in anger.

"Obviously You have the perfect little life don't you?" Uma asked. "Doesn't she have the perfect little life and we're 20 years in a garbage can." 

"Look if you have some score to settle with me game on I don't see bring Ben into this." Mal said.

Then A loud roar was heard as they turn to see Kai holding Sabor's head as he threw at Uma's feet.

Then Kai took a seat as he looked as Uma regained her composer.

"It may be a little unnecessary but it is so much fun." Uma said. "So here is the deal." 

"Just like your mother, always a catch." Mal sneered as Uma placed her arm up on the for an arm wrestling match.

"If you win, Ben's free to go." Uma said.

Mal soon placed her hand out as the two locked up.

"Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" Uma asked innocently.

"Still dreaming." Mal replied.

"Last time I checked your mother thought she had everything figured out. How well did that work for her?" Uma asked as she was trying to get under Mal's skin. 

"One." Mal said.

"Two." Uma replied.

"Three." They both said as the two began to arm wrestle.

"You know that whole princess act never bought it for a second." Uma taunted. "You can stick a tiara on a villain but you're still a villain." 

"And you can stick a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy." Mal replied back breaking Uma's focus enough to flash her green eyes as she was about to go for the win.

"If I win you bring me the wand." Uma said as broke  Mal's focus as she got the win as the crowd cheered.

"Now if you want Beastie Boy back, me bring Mr Fairy Godmother's magic wand to my ship tomorrow at 12 noon sharp." Uma said."Oh if you two blab you can kiss the king goodbye." 

Meanwhile Mal and Kai return to the Hideout and explained what happened.

"There's no way we're giving Uma the wand and let her destroy Auradon." Evie said.

"Uma doesn't get the wand then Ben is toasted." Carlos said.

"So we're giving Uma of all people the wand?" Evie asked.

"Guys we can out think her." Kai 

"He's right, Carlos your 3D printer." Mal said.

"A phony wand in my sleep." Carlos replied.

"But the second Uma tests it she will know it's fake." Evie reminded 

"Okay so we need to get Ben out really fast we need some kind of diversion." Mal said.

"Smoke bombs " Jay remarked.

"That's perfect, I'll get the chemicals from Lady Tremaine's place that will work." Evie said walking to Mal."Sick hair by the way Evie Stepmom seriously stepped up her game." 

"OK you want to know something Dizzy did this." Mal replied.

"Little Dizzy Shut up." Evie said as they were complementing on Mal's new hair look.

"Hello." Carlos said getting both girl's attention.

"Right Carlos, Jay you guys meet us at Pirate Bay no later than noon." Mal said "Guys losing not an option because we're rotten.

"To the Core." The others finished.

Then Mal looked at Kai and Huilan.

"To The Core." They both said as Mal smiled.

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