Chapter 6: Chillin Like a Villain

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Evie's Pov

Jay, Ben, Carlos and I all rushed down to the limo so we could head to the Isle and get Mal back.

"Jay Keys, Remote." Ben called out as he toss them to Jay.

"Wait something wrong." I said as everyone looked at me as I fixed Ben's hat. "There."

"ShotGun." Dude called out as we all looked at him as Carlos shook his head

"No Dude stay the Isle is way too dangerous." Carlos said.

Dude pouted as Jay pointed at him with wide eyes "Did he just…." 

Carlos finished up his sentence."Talk? Yeah I know I'll tell you later." 

We all soon got in the limo as I turned to Jay.

"Once we cross the bridge park under the bridge." I said.

"Got it." Jay replied.

We got into the limo and drove off as we made our way to the Isle, we headed under the bridge as Jay stopped the car and we all got out.

Carlos and Ben soon grabbed tarps that were laying on the ground and helped Jay in covering the limo.

"It's weird being back here." I admitted.

"We get in and we get out." Jay sighed.

Ben soon made his way towards a tunnel leading to somewhere. 

"What's in here?" He asked.

"You don't want to know." Jay replied as he pulled Ben away from the tunnel.

Guys keep it chill alright, the last thing we want is for our parents finding out we're here." Carlos said.

We all nodded in agreement and went off to the Hideout. As we made our way through an alleyway I was behind the ground and I felt someone reaching in my pocket. I looked and saw that I was being pickpocketed by two little kids.

I grabbed them and looked at their faces, they were scared but I then remembered that I also did the same thing too. "Just take it Go on." 

The two children soon ran off then I turned and saw Ben was not with us and we went looking for him.

No One's Pov 

As Ben explored the Ise he came across a pirate that was loitering. Ben tried to shake his hand but he growled at him instead but the Vks soon had Ben's back and the pirate back off.

"Ben,stop just stop." Evie pleaded.

"Why?" Ben asked.

"This isn't a parade, it's the Isle." Evie reminded him.

"Keep your hands in your pocket unless you're stealing." Jay said.

"You either slouch or strut." Carlos added.

"And never smile." Evie finished.

Ben nodded. "Okay thanks--." 

Evie stopped him. "No! No 'thank you' and drop the 'please' and just chill." 

She then placed her arm on his shoulder and  began to sing.

🎵 Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side
I know you think that you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right🎵

🎵You need to drag your feet
You need to nod your head
You need to lean back
Slip through the cracks
You need to not care🎵

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