Chapter 13: The Prince of Monsters

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Mal's Pov

We soon got to shore as Kai was now human as I ran up and hug him and he hug back.

"It's alright Mal." Kai said.

"Kai I never thought I would be good enough for you but I know now that I am, Kai I love you I always loved you." I said as I kissed him on the lips.

I felt fireworks as he kissed back as I moan in pleasure.

"Alright you two." Carlos said as we all share a laugh.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben said as we all slightly made fun of him.

"Seriously if there is anything I can do for you just name it." Ben said.

"Um, actually Ben there is, I know a girl who would love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter Dizzy, she's like a sister to me." Evie explained.

"Then she would come." 

"Actually there is alot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us, who deserve a second chance, maybe I can get you a list." Evie suggested.

"Yes yes absolutely." 

Then one of the guards came up to me with my spell book.

"My lady Mal we found this below deck Uma had it." The guard explained.

"Oh Um….you know it seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the right hands of Fairy Godmother, Fairy Godmother!" I called out.

That's me, Thank you Mm-hmm." Fairy Godmother said.

"This belongs in the museum." I said.

"Yes and I am going to take it." Fairy Godmother replied.

"Go for it." I said.

"Hey guys look." Madison said as we turn to see a Titan as it roared.

" Madison said as we turn to see a Titan as it roared

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Soon their was more of them.

Soon their was more of them

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