Chapter 11: Showdown at Cotillion

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Mal's pov

I couldn't believe Kai was gone as I was at Cotillion as Uma and Ben were dancing and Ben saying that I never said that I love Kai but I was comforted by Huilan who was dressed in a pink and purple dress with black leggings and black high boots and the Vks as we were comforting Aurelia.

I couldn't believe Kai was gone as I was at Cotillion as Uma and Ben were dancing and Ben saying that I never said that I love Kai but I was comforted by Huilan who was dressed in a pink and purple dress with black leggings and black high boots an...

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(Huilan's Outfit.)

But We soon discovered that Ben was spelled but Aurelia soon broke the spell with ture loves kiss but Uma soon headed for the railings as a large crowd gather but I stood in between them.

Then I saw Uma about to jump overboard.

"No, No! Stop please! Uma, I know you! You are so much more than a villain and you have to believe me because I been there. Don't let your pride get in the way of something you really want." I pleaded with Uma.

Then we all heard a large roar as we saw a black and golden dragon with three heads landed in front of us then he turn human as he now had golden dragon armor on.

"You humans are so quick to turn on each other but that will change once you all will become extinct." He said.

"Who are you?" Ben asked.

"That is Keizer, The Son Of Ghidorah." Huilan explained.

"And The Prince of Monsters since Kai is no longer with us." Keizer said. "Now bow down to your new King."

"Your not the King, Ben is." Evie said.

"Then I just have to kill Ben and force you all to bow to me and your magic can't stop me." Keizer said as he pulled out his sword and started killing some the guards.

I trying to stop him but I couldn't do anything without my spellbook.

Then a large beam hit Keizer as he was transformed into his dragon form knocking him down.

We soon the ground shook as we all heard a roar.

We looked and saw Kai at the top of the staircase his dorsal plates were glowing ready for a fight as he let out another roar as he step down.

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