Chapter 10: Rebirth

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No One's Pov

"The Titans are causing havoc across the world Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Typhoones, Tornadoes and Natural Disaster we don't have name for yet." Admiral William Stenz explains to Shaw, Dr. Mark Russell , Dr. Rick Stanton, along with the rest of G-force, Sam Coleman, Dr. Vivienne Graham and Dr. Ishirō Serizawa.

 Ishirō Serizawa

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"May be if you hadn't dropped the Oxygen Destroyer on both Kai and Keizer this wouldn't happen

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"May be if you hadn't dropped the Oxygen Destroyer on both Kai and Keizer this wouldn't happen." Dr. Mark Russell said.

Then the doors open with Dr. Ilene Chen and Madison Mark's daughter carrying a barely live Kai over their shoulders.

 Ilene Chen and Madison Mark's daughter carrying a barely live Kai over their shoulders

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"How is he?" Dr. Serizawa asked.

"He's alive but barely." Madison said.

"He is weak zap of strength." Dr. Ilene Chen said.

"We're is Huilan?" Sam Coleman asked.

"On The Isle of the Lost the King was captured but she and The Vks have resuse him and they are getting ready for Cotilion." Dr. Ilene Chen explained

"Then what are we going to do about Keizer because he heading for Auradon." Colonel Diane Foster asked.

"And basic on the reading he haves summoned the Titans there I guess he gonna turn Auradon into his throne room

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"And basic on the reading he haves summoned the Titans there I guess he gonna turn Auradon into his throne room." Dr. Rick Stanton said.

"Kai needs more power if he is gonna save Auradon." Dr. Vivienne Graham.

"We could use Nuclear warheads to give Kai the Power he needs." Dr. Rick Stanton suggested.

"Won't that kill him I mean he just a human boy." Jackson Barnes said.

"He can survive it he has Godzilla's Cellar healing and the world needs him right now

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"He can survive it he has Godzilla's Cellar healing and the world needs him right now." Serizawa said.

As soon they reach an abandon desert
island they soon unload a nuclear warhead and Kai being carried by Shaw.

As soon they reach an abandon desert island they soon unload a nuclear warhead and Kai being carried by Shaw

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They soon set up the warhead ready to explode as Shaw lay Kai down near the bomb.

"Your gonna be okay Kid remember that Mal is waiting for you along with Godzilla." Shaw said as everyone returns to the submarine as they soon detonate the warhead as a huge explosion occur.

Once the smoke clears Kai was in his Godzilla form as his dorsal plates were glowing blue numerous times as he fire his atomic breath into the air

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Once the smoke clears Kai was in his Godzilla form as his dorsal plates were glowing blue numerous times as he fire his atomic breath into the air.

Once the smoke clears Kai was in his Godzilla form as his dorsal plates were glowing blue numerous times as he fire his atomic breath into the air

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He soon dive into the Ocean heading for Auradon.

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